Chapter 12: Another Interrogation

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A/N  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm so sorry for not updating and leaving you lovely readers on a cliffhanger. Anyways, not much to say, except enjoy chapter 12, vote, and comment. 

400 feet above the ground

The Coca-Cola London Eye

April 2

1030 hours

And then my hands couldn't hang on any longer, and I slipped some more. For a split second, I was thinking, well, this is a sucky way to go. I made the mistake of looking down, and I screamed. It was not my proudest moment. But hey, if you were 400 feet off the ground and about to fall, wouldn't you do the same?

Then, for real, I fell. But only for an eighth of a second, because then Erica was there, and grabbed my wrist. Thank god she was really strong. Erica was lying on the floor of the module, her feet braces by two rails.

She grabbed my other wrist, and hauled me up really fast. The next second, I was in the module and the door hissed closed behind me. Without even think, I pulled Erica into an extremely tight hug. She stiffened, but relaxed almost immediately. Then, to my great surprise, she hugged me back. Tightly.

She was shaking slightly, but then I realized it was I who was shaking. I was just shaking so hard that I was shaking her as well. It must have been a strange sight for Mike and Zoe, who has only seen Erica as the "Ice Queen," never like this. Whatever "this" was.

In the few seconds that looked up, I registered several things. One, Cyrus and Catherine had completely flattened the thief, and they had his showed up against the side of the glass. Two, Mike and Zoe were indeed starting at Erica and I incredulously. Three, Murray and the hitman kept locking eyes. I knew they were connected somehow, but I couldn't figure out how SPYDER had contacted Murray to get the plans to him.

Or maybe the hitman just recognized Murray. After all, he was "famous" around SPYDER. This made me angry. I can't really explain it, but Erica felt me stiffen, ever so slightly. Well, to her, it was probably very obvious that I stiffened, even though I barely did. After all, this is Erica we're talking about.

"Shhhhhhh," she whispered, trying to calm me down. This struck me as odd.

Erica didn't really know how to calm people down. Usually, she ruled them up. But then, I remember seeing the CIA handbook in Erica's hand at some point. She probably read it from there. This thought made me laugh. Erica pulled away, saw me chuckling, and raised her eyebrows. She then stood up, gabbing my shoulders along the way, pulling me to my feet.

Her eyes conveyed the silent message, Are you ok? I nodded, and she walked to Catherine and Cyrus. The guy they had pressed up against the wall has a small scar on his upper lip, blonde hair, blue eyes, defined muscles, and a purple button-down shirt, though I saw the bulge of a gun. He also had a Californian tan, and though he spent a lot of time out in the sun in California. He already had a black eye and was trying to curl up in a ball.

Erica shooed Cyrus and Catherine away, and pulled the guy away from the all. The hitman looked at her gratefully, but Erica just slammed him into the glass harder, and I heard the thunk and his head hit the glass.

"Who hired you?" she asked, calmly.

"Nunya." he said, and Erica narrowed her eyes. Then, she slammed her elbow into his stomach.

"Jeez." he said. "It was just a joke."

"Ha ha ha." Erica said sarcastically. "It's so funny I almost forgot to laugh. Now, if I were you, I'd want to tell me what I want to know before I through you of this wheel. And that's not an idle threat."

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