Chapter 3

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Cameron POV

Aleyah hasn't really talked to me for three days, and I must admit I'm scared for our marriage. I mean she doesn't even know what happened. It hurts me.

"Daddy?" Maddy calls after me as I was about to leave her room, I just tucked her in for the night. "Can you lay with me until I go to sleep?"

"Sure thing baby." I get in bed next to her. She snuggles into me and Mr. Hugs.

"Why you and Mommy not sleep in the same bed no more?" she looks at me with her sad blue eyes. Aleyah's making me sleep in the guest room.

"Mommy is mad at me right now."

"Why?" she pouts. I know she's on the verge of tears. "Are yall getting a diverge?"

"Its divorce baby, and no-"

"She told Auntie Rayna that y'all are. Is that bad?" she sits up and looks at me. It hurt my heart to hear that.

"We arent getting a divorce." I hope.

"I don't want y'all to keep fighting." she starts crying. "You said you love Mommy but you always make her cry." she sobs. Now I'm the bad guy.

"Im sorry Princess, I will fix it."

"You promise?"

"I promise." When she fell asleep, I go into the Aleyah and I's bedroom. She was in the bathroom, crying. I walk in but I don't say anything. Afraid of saying the wrong thing. She wipes her face and looks up at me in the mirror.

"Can you leave?"

"I'm sorry Aleyah. But it was really not what you think." I sigh. She turns around to face me

"Is it ever?" she began sliding the ring off her finger, my heart starts pounding. "I'm sorry Cam but I dont-"

"Aleyah stop. Please."

"Who are we kidding? We weren't ready for any of this. We still fight over small-"

"Aleyah baby don't do this." I felt my eyes burn. She places it in my hands.

"I'm not ready. I don't think I ever was. We can continue to be together, but I don't think I should wear that ring until we are at that point for real this time." She leaves me standing in the bathroom. I look down at the ring. If only she would just let me explain. I just stand there numb. I don't get it. She didn't even give me a chance to explain any of this.

When morning came, I wake up and rub my eyes, praying last night was a dream, but looking on the nightstand clarified that it wasn't. The ring sat there. My heart sank.I pull myself out of bed, and down the hall. It was Saturday morning and we don't have plans today that I know of. At the top of the stairs I hear Rayna, talking to Aleyah.

"Listen, I don't think you should without knowing the whole story."

"But I don't trust him Rayna. He's lied to me before."

"Then ask Tiffany." there was a pause.

"I did and that's why I was considering this divorce. She said he called her over and she just collected some money from her, and the bitch didn't even have the decency to tell me what for. I don't want to be with Cameron, I just want out of all of this. I would have left him at the altar if I'd known that it would be like this."

"Don't say that. You and Cameron have a love I would kill to have with Trey's lazy ass."

"We had. It's like all we do is fight."

"And that's normal for any couple. Especially a married one. You have to think about Madelyn and Nolan too though Aleyah. You know how sensitive Maddy is about y'all fighting all the time."

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