Chapter 9

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Hey babiessssss sorry for late updating. But here's a little something for ya. COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT <3


Aleyah POV 2 Weeks Later

I sat in iHop alone drinking a coffee on my break. But my main purpose was for Tiffany. I just needed to know for myself. She finally walks over.

"Hi? My Co-worker said you wanted me?"

"Yeah um, I'm not gonna beat around the bush here, was that baby you aborted Cameron's?"

"No. I have done a lot of things, but sleeping with Married men is not my cup of tea." she turns and walks away, but then stops and turns back around. "You wanna know something Aleyah, you should really get your head out your ass. You are married to one of the most if not the most wealthiest guy in this pitiful county and youre chasing around his old news because youre insecure and paranoid that someone is trying to steal him away from you. Women have always and probably will always throw their panties at Cameron, it comes in the Im Dating A Handsome Man Package. We're not in high school anymore, grow up. You have kids for crying out loud." with that she walks away. Why the hell is everyone jumping down my throat lately? Its been a week and we have a meeting with the stupid lawyer today.

I sat in the office. Waiting for Cameron. When he finally arrives, he looked so different. Dull. Lifeless. He sighs taking a seat across from me.

"Good evening Mr. Phillips." the man says. He just nods. "Alright let's get to it. Okay custody of the children?"

"With me. He can have visitation."

"No, why can't it be the other way around?" he shrugs.

"Im their mother and I gave birth to them."

"And I put them in you."

"We wouldnt be going through this if-"

"Dont start Aleyah. I want to get this stupid meeting over with." he crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"I have an idea," the man says. "I mean from the one on one sessions this whole divorce thing is probably just an out of anger thing. I'm gonna suggest an idea, and it's okay to decline this, but before you say no, think about the kids."

"Go for it." Cam sighs.

"Buy a house, and sleep in seperate rooms. Exclude the other relationships, and try to be roomates-"

"Sorry but what will this help?" I cross my arms.

"Its like starting over. Take things slow for once. I know this works for a fact. It's never once failed. Go out on dates. It's like you get a redo."

"I actually think that's a great idea." I admit.

"Yeah me too." he nods.

"Great, and in a month come back and we decide if you still want a divorce then so be it. But now is your chance to fix things. I suggest a new home, and a clean slate. No bringing up the past. No fighting. Just be friends, and then boyfriend and girlfriend, and then when you are both ready, husband and wife. Objective one. House shopping. With the kids, and baby steps." Im really hoping this works.

"Look at this one!" I squeal in awe of the victorian style brick house in front of us. It was gigantic. The grass was even beautiful! He pulls into the round driveway. "Ugh, someone lives here." I say as we walk on to the porch. Maddy and Nolan were fast asleep in their carseats.

"I got this." Cameron knocks on the door. An old white lady opens the door.

"Why hello. Are you lost?" she smiles.

For Better or For Never (Sequel to My Vanilla Boy)Where stories live. Discover now