Chapter 5

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Cameron POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. I pant thinking about the terrible dream I just had. I run my fingers through my now damp hair. I dreamt of Blake and Aleyah, in the same situation she'd been in with Mitchell, only this time I was too late and he had not only hurt Aleyah, but Nolan and Maddy. I look at my clock. 3:16 a.m.. I grab my phone and dial Aleyah's number. I take a deep breath before pressing send call. I ease out of bed, careful not to wake Maria.

"This better be good Cam." she answers the phone on the fourth ring. I sigh in relief.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes? I was sleeping, dreaming of unicorns and cotton candy clouds before I was interrupted by a phone call." she says sarcastically.  "Now I'm talking to my soon to be ex husband." Ex husband. The words gave me chills.

"I was just checking on you."

"I know you better than that. What is it?"

"I had a bad dream."

"Really?" she laughs. I frown.

"Has Blake ever... ya know, hurt you?"

"Oh... No. Cameron, he is not like that."

"That's what they all want you to think." I mumble.


"Nothing, are you still coming to my acceptance tonight?" I walk into the kitchen, and get me a shot glass and my Jack Daniels, probably the reason I had a nightmare, drinking like that before I fell asleep.

"Yeah, your Dad practically begged me to be there. Even under the circumstances of us not being together anymore."

"Do you have to keep reminding me?" I take a sip of my drink.

"Yeah. I do. Because you calling me at 3 in the morning doesn't seem like something divorcing couples do."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Bow tie, or regular tie?"

"Bow tie." she yawns. I smile a little. There was a long comfortable silence. "Well if that's all you want-"

"What are you wearing?" I didn't wanna end the conversation yet.

"I see what you're doing Cam. It's not working. Especially since you let your chew toy insult me like that the other night."

"Well, you started that. She asked a simple question."

"Yeah well, she should speak when spoken to."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous."

"Well let's just be glad you do know better then. But I do have to work for a little in the morning. So I do need to get back to sleep."

"Oh," I frown. "well sweet dreams. Kiss Maddy and Nolan for me."

"Alright, good bye-"

"Not good bye."

"I will see you tonight Cameron. Talk to you then." she hangs up. Her voice actually calmed me down.

"Who was that?" Maria says once I get back in bed.

"No one." I try my hardest to go back to sleep but not falling asleep next to Aleyah was a challenge every night. The way her skin shined from the moonlight that peeked through the balcony every night. Her breathing. God I miss just lying there listening to her breathe, like it was some lullaby that made it easy for me to fall asleep. This whole divorce thing is becoming more and more painful the more I think about it. I just wanted a nice stress free marriage with Aleyah. She is the only woman that seemed to fulfill all my needs. I just lay here, deep in thought. Before I knew it the sun began peaking through the window. I was restless.
Aleyah POV

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