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Sorry it took so long, I've been EXTREMELY busy!!! But be sure to read my new story, Mend Me (Interracial)!! It's gonna be a good one. Anyways the last you will hear from Aleyah and Cameron right here. Enjoy!!


Aleyah POV

"We did it." Cameron smiles down at me as we sway back and forth to the same song we'd gotten married to. Everyone circled around us, snapping pictures and recording. "Ten whole years together."

"I know, I'm so proud of us baby. I didn't think we would make it this far."

"Well, we did. And we have forever to go." he pecks my lips.

"You remember all the times we had broken up and whatnot? And gave up on each other temporarily?" 

"Aleyah, I've never given up on you. And I never will. I will love you til there are maggots eating at your corpse." We both laugh, because that's something Nolan had written on the card he gave us. Unfortunately, he's the last child I was able to have because apparently my body isn't strong enough now. But we adopted Peyton, a four year old Asian baby girl. Don't ask why. But we still love and treat her like our own. We even got a dog, a lab, and named him Sid. Things have been so smooth between our little family, and I'm seriously so happy about that.

"I will love you even longer." I smile. Everyone applauded as the song ended, and we kiss one more time. 

"Mom, Dad I'm so happy for you guys." Maddy comes up and hugs us. Maddy was now fifteen, and Cameron absolutely hates it. 'Why did she have to get older?' he asks everytime he drops her off at school. But I don't blame his hatred towards her growing up. My little girl was no longer little, anywhere if you know what I mean.

"Thanks baby." I hug her.

"Yeah Mom, you guys are like X and Y chromosomes." Nolan smiles showing his blue and red braces. He looked like Cameron more and more everyday, and he's so obsessed with science now. 

"I guess that's a compliment. So thanks." I smile. "I'm gonna go talk to the guest." I smile walking away.

Cameron POV

I stare at Aleyah as she smiles and laughs while talking to the guest. I was deeply in love with this woman, and we have been through so much together, and my feelings have never changed. I constantly find myself wondering how a human being can be like the air you breathe. It doesn't make sense to me at all. 

"Congratulations." Tiffany smiles walking up to me, with her little girl McKayla. She had blonde hair and blue eyes as well, and happened to be close with Peyton.

"Hey Tiffany. Thanks." I smile.

"Sorry I'm late, Michael just had to have every hair in place." she smiles shaking her head at her fiance. He was someone she met when she moved away I'm guessing. "Where's Aleyah?" she scans the room. 

"She's over there with Rayna, and folks." I shrug with a sigh. "I'd rather her be over here with me."

"Aw." she laughs. "You have all night with her, if you know what I mean." she lightly elbows me. "C'mon McKayla." she smiles.  "See ya around Cam." she waves walking away. See, everything's peaceful everywhere, with everyone. 

"Hey little brother." Logan says coming up to me. Well, not everyone.

"What do you want Logan?"

"Why can't you just call me Mitch like everyone else?" he sighs. I take another sip of my drink, not responding. "Anyways, I came to uh," he scratches the back of my neck. "to um, say thanks man."

"For what?" I was a little shocked.

"I have a girlfriend, I know I know, you can't picture me with one girl, but I am. And she's pregnant." he nods slowly, "and I have taken mental notes of you and how you are with your kids, and how amazing they grew up to be, and whatnot and I want my son to be like yours. And I have honestly learned a lot from you little brother, and I'm just thanking you for it." he sticks out his hand. I stare and just pull him into a bro hug. He hesitantly hugged back.

"You're welcome man. You're welcome." It boosted my ego to hear that. I'm succeeding at being a dad, and what more could a dad want? And to hear it from an arrogant asshole like Logan was a plus. 

Aleyah POV

"Can I steal her for a minute?" Cameron comes up to my girls and I. 

"Ooooo." they cooed. 

"Shut up." I laugh. "I will see you guys later." I smile, as Cameron led me away. We stopped at the front door.

"Thank you all for coming." Cameron says as everyone turned around. "Aleyah and I are very thankful to have such caring family and friends, we truly are. But unfortunately, we have somewhere to be." He smiles to me. I raise an eyebrow because I honestly don't know what he's talking about. "But, we love you all, and we will see you all very soon, and I'm sure you can all let yourselves out." He waves and opens the door for me, as everyone smiled, and cooed and whatnot.

"So where are we going?" I smile as we were in the car.

"To a place we haven't been in a long time." he places his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah? And where would that be?"

 "Our place." he laughs. I just laugh along, cluelessly. We drove for a little, in comfortable silence. "Alright, close your eyes baby." he smiles once he opens the door for me. I do as he says. "No peeking." he scoops me.

"Okay." I giggle a little. He carries me for a little, and when we stop he places me down. 

"Open." he wraps his arms around me from behind. I gasp at the beautiful candle lit picnic in front of me at our place on the cliff.

"Aw Cam!" I laugh. "How did you manage to do this we've been busy all day and-"

"Don't worry about it baby." he laughs. 

"This is why you've been begging me not to eat all day." I smile as we ate.

"Yes it is." 

"You're quite the romantic Cameron you know that?"

"I try." he shrugs. It got quiet for a second.

"Why here?" I look at him.

"Because. This is where you first told me you loved me, where I realized that you are the only person in the world that could ever make me fall in love, over and over again. And most importantly where I knew that one day you would be my wife, and here we are again." he nods. "At the very place I knew that true love isn't just a myth, or something that just happens in movies. Its for real." he smiles a little.

"Cam you wanna know something?"

"Shoot." he smiles.

"I am so so so lucky to have you. I love you more than life itself. Everything that makes me happy these days is because of you. You're my everything. All I could possibly wish for and then some. You are truly my greatest blessing Cameron." I shake my head. He bites his lip, staring into my eyes.

"Gosh Aleyah. How do you still manage to give me the same feelings you gave me in high school?" he laughs a bit. "Better question, why do you even love me so much still I thought you would be tired of me by now." he smiles. I think for a minute and finallly say:

"Because I vowed for better or for worse, not for better or for never... And I'm sticking to that."



Mend Me (Interracial) I love you guys !!!!!!!

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