It Started with Coffee

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Love From the Start: Chapter Three- It Started With Coffee.

Five Years Later/ Present Day

Magnus Pov

I sat in a fold up chair as a couple of ladies moved around me, working their magic. One was fixing my hair while the other was focusing on my makeup. Frowning, I looked down at my phone at the time.

"Alec said he was just going to drop off some of my new headshots to our agent and then be right over for the photoshoot. That was over an hour ago. If we don't get done with these pictures on time, then that means we won't be done with the Vanity fair interview on time. If that happens, then that means there won't be any time for Alec and I to go out to dinner for our anniversary."

The girl doing my hair, who also happened to be my best friend Camille, wrinkled her nose in confusion. "Wasn't your two year anniversary two months ago?"

I rolled my eyes at her foolish question. "Yes but today is the fifth year anniversary of the day we met. It's special to me and I wanted to at least go out to dinner to celebrate it."

She laughed at that, shaking her head as she picked up some hairspray to apply to my hair. "Only you could make such a big deal over something like the day you met. I bet Alec didn't even remember this all so important day."

I pouted, hating that she was right. Alec hadn't even remembered that we met five years ago today. It's not something I can really blame him for though. He wasn't crazy obsessive about this stuff like I was. Even if he doesn't show it, I know he holds the day we met at the same high regard that I do.

God, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting by the fountain reading a incredibly boring book of poetry that Ragnor forced me to borrow, when a handsome blonde boy practically dragged a beautiful blue eyed angel in front of me.

I tried playing it cool on the outside but on the inside, I was freaking out! His blue eyes were gorgeous, along with his pale creamy skin and his raven black hair. Him standing there was enough to make my heart beat at a unhealthy rate that could put me in the hospital. Then when his friend encouraged him to speak to me, the poor thing couldn't even get a word out.

His shyness made my heart practically come bursting out of my chest at that point.

My giddiness soon died down though when his friend told me that the blue eyed beauty took my photo and wanted me to approve it for him. I am incredibly picky when it comes to photos of me. They have to be one hundred percent perfect in every way and no one has ever even come close to that.

When I took the camera and looked over the photo, I was left breathless. Everything was perfect to the way I was sitting, the gleam of the sun setting on the water coming out of the fountain, the red and orange autumn leaves surrounding me.

It was as breathtaking as the boy who took the photo.

"Well I think it's romantic that you still remember the day you met your boyfriend," the girl doing my makeup chimed in, making me smile at her. It made me feel a little guilty that I couldn't remember her name. A lot of people do my makeup and it's hard to keep track of them all.

"I remember everything when it comes to Alexander. Even the first words he ever spoke to me."

She finished applying eyeshadow to my lids before leaning back excitedly. "Oh that's cute. What were they? I bet they were super romantic if you remember it so well."

I practically swooned as I pressed my face against my palm. "It sure was."

Camille raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh yeah, what was it?"

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