It Started with a New Direction

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Love From the Start- Chapter Twenty: It Started with a new Direction

Alec Pov

It was like I was dropped into a moment of time. Deja Vu took over me as I stared at Magnus’s sleeping form next to me. This time though I wasn’t confused or feeling flustered by the situation. Well, okay, I was feeling a little flustered when thinking back on the way I acted last night. 

Was I too intense? Magnus was feeling bad about himself and I wanted to distract him from that. I wanted him to be able to only focus on me. In doing so… I did some very embarrassing things.” 

I covered my face in my hands, feeling my cheeks were burning with embarrassment.  

“Magnus will never take me seriously again.” 

Still flustered, I peeked out between my fingers watching the man I love sleep soundly. He was shirtless, never getting dressed after our shower, much to my surprise. Even with all the progress, Magnus still doesn’t show me his body much. He’s gaining some body fat back but his ribs are still plainly visible. I think last night was the first time Magnus has really looked at himself in a really long time. 

“You’re still beautiful, no matter what,” I whispered softly, dropping my hands from my face. 

I bit my lip thinking for a moment before carefully getting up and walking over to my equipment bag sitting on top of the dresser. I rummaged through it and pulled my camera out,  turning it on and moving back over to the bed. Magnus was still sound asleep and I took that chance to take a couple photos of him. 

It’s a weird habit, but Magnus has such a cute sleeping face. How can I not photograph it? 

“Taking pictures of me sleeping again,” Magnus asked suddenly, making me jump in shock and almost drop my camera. I caught it quickly before looking back at him. 

He was sprawled out on the bed, one arm over his head and his knee bent up. The sheets were draped over his lower half but his chest was completely exposed to me. There was a wicked smirk on his face that made my own face heat up. 

“I was not taking pictures of you,” I argued, before slowly lifting my camera and taking another picture. He laughed and shook his head. 

“I should find that creepy, but coming from you it is oddly adorable. Didn’t you take a picture of me sleeping with your phone last time we slept together?” 

“Only because I didn’t have my camera,” I shrugged, taking more pictures of him. “Keep that pose. It’s perfect.” 

That made him laugh even more. “So now you suddenly know about posing models?” 

“I have practice from working with Raphael.” 

Magnus shook his head before sitting up and taking my camera from me. “You better not be taking pictures of naked men other than me.” He looked through the photos I took, shaking his head. 

“I will never know how you manage to make me look so good in photos.” 

“It’s all you. All I do is push a button.” 

Magnus smiled slightly at that before wrapping one arm around my waist and pulling me on the bed. I gasped in surprise as we both laid down next to each other. Magnus cuddled closer, kissing my temple and holding the camera up to take a picture of us together. Now that I think of it, that’s the first time the two of us took a picture together. I usually don’t like being photographed. 

Magnus kissed my lips softly, taking another picture of us. I smiled against his lips, feeling completely at bliss and happy in this moment with him. 

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