It Started with a Little Black Book

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Love From The Start Chapter Eighteen: It Started with a Little Black Book.

Magnus Pov- “We don’t have to do this Alec. There’s still time to turn this car around,” I tried to convince him for the seventh time today. 

“Oh come on Magnus, it’s not going to be that bad,” he answered back, smirking playfully at me. 

“We’re going to my dad’s house and I have no idea what’s going to happen. For all I know, he will say something or do something that will send you running for the hills.” 

“No matter what your dad says or does, I won’t leave you Magnus. There is no way any story he tells me about you can be any more embarrassing than the hundreds of stories I have under my belt. Sebastian Blackmails me with them all the time if I don’t do what he wants. It’s so unfair and annoying.” 

I sighed shaking my head. “It’s not embarrassing me I’m worried about Alexander. I just found out that he has done background checks on everyone I know, including you. I’m afraid that he’s going to embarrass you. He already mentioned something about you throwing up on someone's shoes in high school.” 

Alec’s cell phone fell out of his hands and landed on the car floor. He turned to me fast, his face tomato red. 

“They were London imported and anyone who wears fancy shoes to school deserves it!” 

I raised an eyebrow at that and Alec cleared his throat before turning his back to me, hiding a flushed face. 

“Well then I’m glad we didn’t know each other in high school. I always wore fancy shoes imported from all over. I would not have been okay with someone throwing up on them.” 

Alec groaned running his hands over his face in shame. 

“Look, the guy was really cute and he talked to me so suddenly, I didn’t know what to do. I just got so nervous and before I knew it, I was hunched over throwing up on his shoes.” 

“Then you passed out,” I asked, holding in a laugh. This just caused him to blush even harder. 

“No… that was a different time.” 

I smiled not able to help myself. “You’re so adorable, Alexander.” 

He rolled his eyes leaning down to grab his phone. He’s been fiddling with that thing for almost an hour now, and the moment it was in his hands again he was right back to it. 

“What on earth are you doing with your phone?” 

Alec glanced at me before looking back at the screen, biting his lip nervously. 

“I’m… I’m making us a schedule.” 

My eyebrow quirked with interest. “A schedule for what?” 

He fidgeted in his seat for a moment before handing me his phone. 

“I’m making up a daily schedule for us both. Times for us to eat meals and go to work, stuff like that.” 

I glanced at him before looking over the schedule. He wasn’t kidding either. There was breakfast, lunch, and dinner times planned out for us. Even times for me to take a snack break were jotted down. 

“It’s not like I have a job to plan for,” I grumbled handing him his phone back. 

“We will work our way up to that. Maybe Raphael will give you your job back once you are healthy enough. That… or maybe you can try designing clothes again.” 

That suggestion caused me to frown. Just because my father apologized for the Fashion Week fiasco doesn’t mean all the damage is undone. People still see me as a spoiled kid who rode my dad’s coattails to the top. No one will ever take me seriously again, and the fact that I have been missing for a month will only make them hungry for more gossip.

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