It Started With Goodbye

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Love From the Start: Chapter Six- It Started With Goodbye.

Alec Pov- The horror I felt when I opened my eyes was none I had ever felt before. I held my breath, wondering if I was still dreaming, but when my lungs started to burn from lack of oxygen, I knew it wasn’t a dream.

A gorgeous god was sleeping next to me in a bed that wasn’t mine. His brown tan skin practically glistened when a ray of sunrise peeked through the bedroom window and shone on him. The lower half of his body was hidden under his comforter, but it wasn't hard to tell that he wore nothing underneath. His usually perfectly styled black hair was ascue and I couldn’t tell if it was from all the tossing and turning, or me yanking on it. The thought of that made my face burn up.

Oh my god… I had sex with Magnus Bane!

Panic buzzed at my brain as I carefully sat up in the bed, pulling the blanket up slightly to cover my bare chest. Just like i’m sure he was, I was also completely naked underneath it. Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepared myself before lifting the blanket up slightly, looking over my body. Sure enough, there was a line of hickeys and even a couple of tiny bruises going along my inner and outer thighs.

The alcohol must have made us rough last night. It wouldn’t be too surprising for me. I have no self control when i’m wasted.

Lowly groaning, I hid my face behind my hands frowning. How could I have done this? Magnus and I just became friends. Hell, we are practically project partners. Of course I fantasised about sleeping with him, but I didn’t think it would actually happen. The worst part is, I was so freaking drunk that I don’t remember any of it. All I remember is us drinking wine and then everything fades.

I peeked at him passed my fingers. He was even more gorgeous when he was sleeping. His long black eyelashes brushed his cheekbones gently, his breathing was soft and he didn’t snore. It made me wish I had my camera. Just imagine how many stories his sleeping form could tell through the lens. I settled for my phone camera instead. Miraculously, it was sitting on the bedside table next to my spot in the bed, so I didn’t have to get up to go searching for it.

My thumb moved quickly to capture the moment before it could end. Magnus could open his eyes any minute and wonder why i’m creeping on him and taking his picture while he’s asleep. He would definitely regret what we did last night then.

I couldn’t help but smile as I looked over the photo on my phone. This didn’t even look like Magnus Bane, fashion icon, and sexy senior. This was unguarded and completely trusting. His muscles were so relaxed, not any part of him looking strained or unhappy. He seemed so… content.

“He’s almost… cute,” I mumbled, glancing up at the corner of the screen to check the time. When I saw that it was almost ten o clock, I gasped, quickly getting out of the bed and searching for my clothes that were all scattered on the floor. My morning classes were going to start in less than ten minutes. Jonathan and Sebastian both have that class with me, so they will make a big deal about it if I don’t show up. God forbid Jonathan is already going to fuss over the fact that I hadn’t come back to the dorm room.

Almost fully dressed, the last piece of clothing that needed to be found was my right sock. No matter where I looked the stupid thing was nowhere in sight. Sighing, I decided to just leave behind the socks and I quickly slipped my shoes on before heading to the bedroom door. I was halfway through it when I stopped, looking back at Magnus for a moment.

Should I leave him a note? Skip class and talk to him about what happened? I don’t know if I’m ready to talk about what happened. What does this mean for us? We aren’t a couple now just because we slept together. I’m not going to be one of those people who look deeper into what was most likely a one night stand.

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