Chapter 5: Viridity

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(n.) naive innocence

The first thing that Jimin did after Yoongi left the room is to install the spy cameras. Jimin wants to watch each and every move of yoongi , from how he starts his day to how he ends it .

He installs 5 cameras, each in different angle , one that faces the bed , another faces the door , the window and so on.

Jimin was quick to finish setting up the cameras before Yoongi came with their drinks.

Jimin faked a smile as he saw Yoongi coming towards him.
" Here are your drinks , sir." Yoongi said acting like a waiter.
To which Jimin smiled and mumbled a thank you. Yoongi kept staring at Jimin as he drank his juice like a little baby.
His heart filled with warmth.

Their little moment was disturbed by a knock on door.
"Master Yoongi." It was one of his maid.
" Yes , what's wrong ?" Yoongi asked with a concerned voice.
" There are cops at the door."

Upon hearing these words Jimin choked on his juice . Yoongi quickly moved towards him and gently patted his back.
"Are you okay Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"I - uhm yeah I'm okay." Jimin said , his heartbeat racing , did Yoongi found out about him ? Is he going to jail ? No , no , that can't happen he gently put his hand behind and a relieved sigh left his mouth as his fingers fell upon the gun. He should be ready for the worse case scenario.

"We'll be right there." Yoongi said and the maid excused herself. Now he turns to Jimin , Jimin clenched his gun with his right hand as he thinks of killing Yoongi right then and there and escaping through the window.

" You can stay here Jimin , I'll go down and see what's the matter ."
A part of Jimin was relieved that Yoongi hadn't found out his identity yet. He just smiled and nodded.

There were about two cops standing at Yoongi's door. Yoongi was visibly confused as to what the matter was.

"Min Yoongi - ssi?" One of the officer asked.
" Yes , that would be me , what do you want ?"
" We'll do you know Mr. Park Jimin ?

Yoongi's mind stopped working upon hearing Jimin's name , what does the cops have to do with him . Should he tell the truth or lie and fly away somewhere with Jimin. A voice shook him up from his thoughts.

" I'm Park Jimin." Jimin said as he made his way downstairs towards the hallway.
" Do you need something officers ?" Jimin asked in a polite tone with a smile on his way. Yoongi don't know how can Jimin smile even at this situation. Or maybe it was just the way Jimin was , a sweet and bubbly boy.

" Well Mr. Park have you heard of Mr. Kim Ji Seok "
Jimin froze upon hearing the name. He was one of his latest kills.
"Y-yes , he was my ex boyfriend.," Jimin stated , yoongi was shocked on hearing those words.

" Well we're sorry to tell you but he's dead we just found his body torn into pieces in an old factory."
"W-what ?"
Jimin's body started shaking as tears dweled in his eyes. Yoongi gently held Jimin by his shoulder as Jimin cried in his chest.

" I- I didn't know about it. Things didn't worked about between us so we b-broke up b-but I can't believe he- he's dead." Jimin said in between his sobs as he cried harder on Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi's heart was breaking , he can't see Jimin crying like this , it was like he was stabbed on his heart.

"Shh baby . It's alright ." Yoongi said ruffling his hairs.
" We're sorry for your loss. But we would like Mr. Park to come to the police station as he can be a suspect for this case."

Yoongi's eyes glew up with anger on hearing those words.
"Enough officers ! I let you in my house and let you say whatever you wanted but if you try to lay even one finger on my Jimin I swear I'll make you both get fired from your job. You're messing with the wrong person."

Jimin looked up at Yoongi with tears filled eyes and Yoongi gently sushed him.
" But he's a suspect-"
" My attorney will see you at the police station. So please leave ." His voice stern.

Yoongi can't even imagine what they would do to Jimin if he let him go with them , he don't know why but he just wants to protect Jimin. He's so small and precious as he would break if Yoongi let him go even for a second.

" Okay we're going for now ,. But if any evidence points towards Mr. Park we'll fetch him to police station."
" Just lay a finger on him and see what I can do." Yoongi practically growled at them.
At last they had no choice but to leave.

" Jimin you okay ?" Yoongi asked in a soft voice.
To which Jimin responded with a head shake.

" Okay , okay. Let's go to our room okay. "
Jimin finally looked at Yoongi and blushed a little on the words 'our room'.

Yoongi admits how much he's angry to see Jimin in this situation. He promised to himself that he would never make Jimin cry , cause whenever he see tears in Jimin's eyes his heart breaks a million times.

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