Chapter 23: Eleutheromania

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(n.) a great desire for freedom

The room was too dark for Yoongi to see Chaewon's face. He protectively scouted over to cover Jimin.

"Who are you ?" Yoongi grunted through his teeths.
" Forgot me already , Yoongi-ah." The voice sounded so familiar yet distant to Yoongi.

" Sir , I'll do anything. Please let him go." Jimin came forward crawling , bowing his head in front of Chaewon who just laughed at his miserable state.

" Jimin I thought you knew better than this." He crouched down , rubbing his hand over Jimin's hairs. "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to someone else." He hissed , yanking Jimin's head again who let out a small yelp.

" Leave him." Yoongi rushed to where Jimin was , trying to get him away from the other's hold but soon he was grabbed by two strong arms.

" Let us go. You want money ? I'll give it to you. Just let us go." Yoongi said making Chaewon laugh. He pushed Jimin away making him fall to the ground.

"You're getting me all wrong Mr. Min. I don't want your money. I want revenge." Something about his voice just made a shiver run down Yoongi's spine.

" Who are you ?" He asks trying to escape from the embrace of two men.
" Don't tell me you had forgotten about my daughter Mina too." Yoongi stopped struggling at that , the name brought back old memories to him.

Mina was his bestfriend in highschool. She was a kind and polite girl , Yoongi always liked her company. But what he didn't knew was that she felt something for him.

She had proposed him during their graduation day. Yoongi was taken aback by the sudden proposal. He didn't wanted to hurt her feelings so he tried to deny it politely. But she took it to her heart and ran up to the terrace. Yoongi and their other friends tried to talk her into it but she just gave one last smile to Yoongi before jumping off the building.

The paramedics and school staff arrived shortly after but Yoongi just stood there , taking all the blame upon himself.
Mima's father grabbed Yoongi by his collar , calling him a killer and threating him. Yoongi looked over at her dead body as tears streamed down his face.

The trauma left a huge impact on Yoongi's mind. But he was thankfully able to get over it with the help of his parents , friends and medical assistance.

But today the sudden name brought all the memories back. His hands started shaking as breathing became heavy.

" I see you still remember her." The man stepped closer to Yoongi. His face just an inch away from his.

" You killed my daughter Yoongi. YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER'S KILLER." A sudden fist to his face made the gush of pain jolt throughout his body.

He screamed in agony as the intensity continue to increase with every punch. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken. He dropped to the ground. His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood.

"Y-yoongi." Jimin tried to reach out to him but was soon tackled to the ground again , left to cry for his beloved.

Yoongi's pained cried echoed throughout the room mixed with Jimin's helpless begging and Chaewon's devilish laugh.

" Let them have each other for the night. They'll be gone for good tomorrow." With that Chaewon and his man left.

Jimin scouted Yoongi in his arms , caressing his distorted face with his fingertips.
He cried his eyes out as Yoongi moaned in pain. He hugged him closer to his chest for one last time. Telling Yoongi how sorry he was. But Yoongi just smiled at him. Trying to ruffle his hairs with shaky hands.

" D-don't cry petal." These words made Jimin cry even more. They made him feel what a failure he was. He have killed so many innocent lives without even a trace of guilt. He felt like a monster.

"Jimin.." Yoongi tried to sit up , clutching Jimin's shirt for support.
"Thank you for coming into my life." He hugged Jimin , trying to soothe him by rubbing his back.

The trails of ' I'm so sorry ' flowed out from Jimin's mouth , as he cried , his face buried in Yoongi's nape.

" Don't worry Jimin. I'm happy that my last moments are with you." He tried to say with a smile but the bruises made his face flinch in pain.

"No Yoongi , we will not die here." Jimin wiped off his tears , as he toke off his right shoe. Taking out the skeleton key hidden in his sole.

He cupped Yoongi's face , leaning down to leave a long kiss on his lips.
" I'll save us."

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