Chapter 7: Scintilla

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(n.) a tiny , brilliant flash or spark ; a small thing: a barely visible trace.

The room was filled with the smell of blood and metal. Darkness engulfed the room completely only a bit of light lighted up Hangyeol's face.

His lips bleeding with severe cut on his face. His hairs stuck to his forehead which was already wet with blood and sweat. His eyes were a shade of crimson red with dark blue circles surrounding it.

"Well , well. You're awake finally. I thought I might have killed you without having any fun." A huge laughter filled up the empty room.
"Aren't you a tough bitch." He said as he grabbed Hangyeol's hairs and yanked him backwards.
Hangyeol groaned in pain flinching his eyes.

"Well this is nothing compared to what my little brother had to experience because of you two. Hmm.. I begged you so much to spare his life but what did you do , hah , nothing."
He slapped Hangyeol on his face, making his cheek even more redder.

Hangyeol was tied up to a chair. His hands and legs were tied up with zip ties. His mind still heavy with all the drugs injected to him. He was in a state of half consciousness. He couldn't exactly grasp what was happening.

"J-jim-in." Hangyeol said in between short breathes , he needed Jimin . Only jimin could save him .
" Oh.. well are you missing that little bitch. Hmm , Jimin , he was a nice boy , I wish I had kept him for myself."
He placed his finger under Hangyeol's chin and lifted his face up. " Don't worry. It'll be his turn after I take care of you." He said while grinning.

Hyung Chul took out his gun and pointed it at Hangyeol.
" Well , any last wish ?" He asked pointing the gun under his chin.
" Oh actually , nevermind. You didn't even asked my brother's last wish." He took a step back.
" Bid your last goodbye boy. I hope my brother will like the little present I'll send for him."
With that he shot Hangyeol with tear filled eyes.

The tears caused him to miss the target and the bullet pierced through Hangyeol's arm.
Hangyeol let our a loud groan as the blood started oozing out from the wound.

"Oops, I missed it." He said with an evil laugh.
This time he aimed his gun at his heart.
" Just one shot and you're done for good. "
He placed his fingers on the trigger.

Sound of the gun shot filled the room. Hangyeol closed his eyes to feel the bullet but instead he felt nothing.
More gun shots were heard in the room but no one was directed at Hangyeol.
His eyes lit up in hope. 'Jimin' his mind instantly drifted off towards him.

"What the hell !" Hyung Chul screamed.
His mans were shot one by one. The room was filled with gun shots. Hyung Chul quickly ran towards the corner to hide behind the table.

In just a matter of time his mans were lying on the ground all shot to their death.
" Who are you ?" Hyung Chul screamed as he frantically looked around the room.
With that being said he fell on the ground with a kick to his face.
"Ahhhh" he groaned in pain as he tried to get up but was met again with the ground as more punches were thrown at him.

"W-who." he asked in between.
The light suddenly directed upon the man and then he saw his face. It was Jimin ' Park Jimin'.
"J-jimin?" He asked as blood spattered out of his mouth.
Jimin didn't say a word , he kept on kicking and punching the man in front of him.

''Ji-min ..." Hangyeol said in a whisper. Jimin stopped for a moment and lunged towards his hyung.
"H-hyung , are you okay ?" Jimin asked as hot tears brimmed in his eyes. He carefully caressed his hyung's face as his anger boiled up even more.
Hangyeol just nodded in response and gave him a little smile as a way to say 'thank you'.
Jimin quickly cut off the zip ties and held his hyung in his arms as they both hugged each other.

Their sweet little moment was interrupted by a gun shot.
"Ahhh." Jimin screamed as he looked down to where he was shot. His right shoulder was injured numbing his right hand.
'This is it' Jimin thought to himself as he screamed in anger. He took out his gun from his back pocket and before Hyung Chul could think anything . Jimin shot him 3 times making him fall to the ground with a loud Yelp.

Jimin putted his shoes on Hyung Chul's throat as he begged for his life.
But Jimin ignored all his words and placed his shoes even more deeper into his throat until he was out.

Jimin ran towards his hyung and picked him up. His shoulder was aching very badly but Jimin just ignored it.
He placed his hyung on the front seat and dabed the towel to his wound.
"Hyung , it'll be alright. J-just stay with me . Okay." Jimin said as he stepped on the accelerator he didn't cared about how many red lights he have skipped he just wanted to save his hyung.

" Hyung , please don't close your eyes." Jimin said in a sad tone.
The pain in his shoulder was growing more and more with each second.

Atlast they finally made it to their headquarters. Jimin can't bring him to the normal hospital as it would be dangerous for them.
He carried Hangyeol inside when two more men rushed towards them. They took Hangyeol from him and Jimin plopped down to the floor. All the pain that he was trying to ignore came all at once.

"H-hyung !" Jimin said before he lost his consciousness and fell to the ground.

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