Chapter 20: Eccedentesiast

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(n.) someone who fakes a smile , when all they want to do is cry , disappear and die

[Mention of suicide]

"JIMIN?" The guy jumped upon hearing a deep voice behind him. Jimin opened his eyes , his heart pounding hard in his chest.

Yoongi stared at Jimin in quite disbelief, processing the image in front of me.
Jimin laying on the bed shirtless with love bites surrounding his neck, while the unfamiliar guy was on top of him

Jimin gulped the lump in his throat. Tears threatening to fall from his glassy eyes but he sucked them up.

He leaned closer to the guy's face. His eyes still fixed on Yoongi as he kissed him. The kiss felt nothing like soft and warmth instead it was suffocating but he still kept on going on.

If Yoongi had a weapon with him right now this person would be long dead.
The mixed emotions of sorrow, betrayal and anger emerging in his eyes.

"Leave." Yoongi said coldly to the boy.
He stared at Jimin for his response but he just stared blankly at him.
" Didn't you hear ? I. Said. Leave." The guy grabbed his shirt ran out of there not even sparing any glances behind.

Yoongi curled his fingers up in a fist. The anger was too much to be controlled at this point so he let it flow out in the form of tears from his eyes.

"Why Jimin why huh?" Yoongi closed his eyes.
"Wasn't I enough for you? Was it important for you to play with my feelings? Do you like to see me in pain?" He laughed with a bitter smile.

"Just why Jimin why?" The tears dropped to the floor.
Jimin remained silent. His eyes fixed on the floor.

Yoongi grabbed his face between his palm , making him look into his eyes.
"Stop with that blank look." He grunted through his tears. He was tired of Jimin playing as victim at this point.

Jimin just chuckled bitterly , yanking Yoongi's hand away.
" You wanna know the truth hah okay." He said calmly his gaze diverted towards the nightshade.

"I don't even like you not even a bit. I just married you for your money. Guess you can call me a gold digger."

"But now I got bored of you. You can leave me now." He said in a tranquil tone.
Yoongi was not able to believe how can someone says words like this with a calm tone. He wanted to beat the shit out of him but he knows he won't be able to even touch him let alone hurt him.

"Maybe I loved you a little too much Jimin."
It was Yoongi's turn to laugh.
"You meant the world to me, Jimin. I think that’s what hurts above all else."
"I gave you all I have , but in return what you did huh, you cheated on me, Jimin."

Jimin just shrugged his shoulders in response , still avoiding looking at Yoongi. Because he knew it will only take him one look at Yoongi to finally break down and tell him the truth. But Yoongi was safe away from him. So that's what he was doing right now. Pushing Yoongi away from him.

" If you're done with your sappy shit can you please leave. I'm going to head out and have some fun while I'm at it." Jimin said provoking Yoongi's anger even more.

Yoongi just stared at Jimin in bewilderment. This wasn't the Jimin that he had fallen in love with. This wasn't the Jimin with whom he wanted to spend his lifetime.

Yoongi quietly left the room sparing one last glance at Jimin that maybe he would stop him from going but that didn't happened.

Jimin went to the bathroom , filling the bath tub with cold water. He looked at his reflection , his face pale and eyes a good colour of crimson red.

He stepped into the tub hissing on the sensation of cold water hitting his skin. He had wished several times that it would've been great if he had died the same day his parents abandoned him. He sinked more inside the tub as he blurted out his last words.

" I'm sorry Yoongi. I - I love you."

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