Epilogue I

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*5 years later*

The first ray of sun shone through the dense green trees, turning the stillness of the night into a peaceful morning. A fleck of sunlight glittered on the window pane, reflecting the light into my room. A melodic giggle made his eyes flew open.

The click clack of small footsteps walked towards Jimin , stopping right before the edge of the bed.
Jimin smiled when he felt the mattress next to him compress down. He engulfed his little baby in his arms , prepping his face with morning kisses.

" Papa." Min jung whined trying to escape from his father's hold.
Jimin continued to pepper his face with sweet kisses , a cute pout formed on Min Jung's lips.

"Morning baby." He gave him one last kiss before sitting up straight.
"Morwing." Min Jung finally frees himself from Jimin's arms , smilingly.

"Minnie hwungry." Min Jung points towards his tummy.
He was only 3 and a half years old but he was a really sincere child , all credits goes to Jimin and his parenting skills.

"Baby , Papa had told you so many times. Brush your teeth first then you can have breakfast." He tries to make the gesture of brushing teeth so Min jung could understand easily.

Min jung nodded to his father , running towards the bathroom with his tiny feet.
" Don't run baby , or else you'll hurt yourself." Jimin screamed from the bedroom.

"Okwy." Min jung shouted back from the bathroom making Jimin laugh. His heart warms at every little thing that Min jung do.

"Minnie , breakfast is ready."
Min jung paddled to the kitchen on his name being called.
"Yeah, bweakfast." He sat on the chair , placing his favourite dinosaur plushie given to him by his uncle hobi onto the next chair.

"Dino , papa has made bweakfast for us." He clapped his hands in excitement as Jimin places the plate in front of him.

" Pacakes." He throws his hand in air , happy at with the breakfast.
"Papa , thank ywu." He kissed Jimin's cheek before finally digging into his food.

Jimin ruffled his hairs in response , pouring maple syrup over the pancakes. Min jung for sure had a sweet tooth.

"Minnie I'll take a bath now. Finish your breakfast okay." Min jung nodded to Jimin , mouth too stuffed with food to say anything in response.

"Here." Jimin wrapped the beige knitted scarf around Min Jung's neck , making him look extra small and squishy.
"Min Jung and papa are now ready to go." He placed a soft kiss on his tiny nose not being able to the resist the charm of his little boy.

"Papa where are we gwoing ?" Min jung asked fixing his little coat.
Jimin crouched down to his level , placing his hands on Min Jung's tiny shoulders.

" Baby do you remember the story of an angel that papa told you the other night." Min jung nodded his head in response. "We're going to meet an angel today ." He said in a sad voice , his heart feeling heavier.

It's been 5 years since he left him. 5 year that he lived blaming himself. 5 years he lived missing him and today was his 5th death anniversary.

"Papa , why is the angel not with us?" Min jung asked with his big doe eyes looking curiously at Jimin for answer.

Jimin looked at him with a sad smile.
"Because the god is very selfish , he needs angel to be with him , so he called him to heaven." He paused for a bit. "He must be happy there now. You know baby , he saved your Papa's life. Papa will always be thankful to him."
Jimin didn't knew when tears started forming in his eyes.

"Papa don't cwy. Let's go to meet angel." Min jung wiped Jimin's cheeks with his small hands.

Jimin hugged his baby not knowing when his little ball of sunshine has grown up so much.
"Papa loves you baby." He whispered against his ear.

Jimin placed him on the passenger seat putting on the seatbelt.

Jimin putted on Min Jung's favourite song on shuffles. Happy to see Min jung singing along to the song , even though he sang wrong lyrics , Jimin found him absolutely cute and adorable. He won't stop gushing over his little boy anytime soon.

His heart started pacing faster as he parked the car. He swear feel his body shaking and hands being sweaty. But Min jung was there with him this time , he grabbed Jimin's hand and gave him a warm smile , trying to easy Jimin's mood.

Jimin thought he'll be able to see his graveyard without breaking down. Yet, he was here crying his heart out while Min jung was trying to comfort him.

" Minnie , I miss him so much baby. He - he sacrificed his life for me and yet I did n-nothing to save him . I did NOTHING." Jimin cried out loud , Min jung wrapped his small arms around Jimin. His tiny hands patting Jimin's back just like how Yoongi used to comfort him.

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