Chapter 8: Forelsket

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(n.) the euphoria you experience when you're first falling in love.

Flowers and a beautiful scenery that was all that Jimin could see right now. The delightful view made him happy.

Suddenly he felt pair of arms hugging him from behind.
As he looked behind he saw Yoongi giving him his precious gummy smile.

" Hey, beautiful." Yoongi said as he pressed a soft kiss on Jimin's cheek.
Jimin blushed on Yoongi's unexpected action.

" Hii." Jimin replied with a little giggle.
Their sweet little moment was interrupted was a soft voice.

" Papa , Dada !" A smile boy ran towards them while waving his little hand.
Yoongi got on his knees and opened his arms , as the boy came and fell into them.

The moment suddenly felt more special to Jimin as he heard little boy's laughter.
He escaped from Yoongi's grasp and made his way towards Jimin.

He shot Jimin a cute gummy smile that looked just like Yoongi. The boy honestly looked like a mini version of Jimin and Yoongi.

"Papa , this is for you." The boy said making Jimin's heart pound at the word 'papa'. The boy gently placed the flower crown on Jimin's head and stared at him for his response.

Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he hugged the little boy.
" It's beautiful baby , just like you." He said smilingly.

Suddenly Jimin felt like his world was shaking. Yoongi and the little boy disappeared along with the beautiful view.

Jimin ran around the field like a crazy person as he shouted Yoongi's name.
He tripped on something and his body started falling.

"Yoongi !" Jimin screamed as he finally opened his eyes. The terrible headache came back as Jimin felt pain in his whole body.
" Jimin " he heard his name being called.
Yoongi ran towards Jimin as held him in his arms while Jimin was just dumbfounded as to what was happening.

"You're awake" Yoongi said as he caressed Jimin's cheek.
Jimin looked around himself , he was in Yoongi's house. But how , he didn't seem to remember anything , his head was already hurting from too much screaming.

"W-water." Jimin said. His throat was dry and burning up . Yoongi was quick to pour a glass of water for him.
Jimin drank it immediately. Suddenly memories started flooding in his mind.

"Hyung , hyung " Jimin said as he remembered the past event. He tried to get off the bed but Yoongi stopped him.
" Jimin , where are you going?"
" Hyung , I've to see my hyung." Jimin said as he tried to push Yoongi but his body was really weak.

" Jimin , first of all calm down."
" Nooo, I've to see him." Jimin again tried to escape from Yoongi's grasp but failed.
" Jimin listen to me." Yoongi said in a calm tone.

" NOO , LEAVE ME , I'VE TO SEE MY HYUNG , AHHH LEAVE ME." Jimin screamed , voice full of frustration.
"JIMIN. ENOUGH." It was Yoongi's turn to scream. Jimin flinched on his raised voice.

" Listen to me Jimin." Yoongi said as he gently patted back of his head.
" Your hyung is okay. He's out of danger but they have kept him in ICU. We can go see him after you feel okay." A relieved sigh left his mouth as he heard about his hyung's well being.

" But I'm okay now , we should go and see him." Jimin said as he looked at Yoongi with pleading eyes.

" No Jimin , you were passed out for almost a week. You know how much worried I was." Jimin could see his eyes filled with worry and for a moment he felt very sorry.

" But I'm okay now." Jimin smiled as he put his hand on Yoongi's hand as a way to assure him.

"You must be hungry Jimin , let me go and fix something for you." Yoongi said as he secretly wiped his tears.
Jimin answered with a nod.

As Yoongi was about to leave he stopped and turned towards Jimin.
" Jimin , your boss was very worried about you , you should text him telling you're awake."
"Boss?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with shock.
" Yeah , your dance instructor."
'ohh' Jimin said as Yoongi left the room.

As he opened his phone he saw the message sent to him by his boss.

Jimin , I'm glad you kept your promise and saved Hangyeol's life. He's out of danger now, all thanks to you.
Since you have to marry Yoongi in a few days , I thought it would be better for you to live with him for the meantime. I'm sure he would keep you safe.
I told him that Hangyeol is your older brother and he was kidnapped and in the process of saving him you were shot.
Don't take too much stress my child and get well soon.

Jimin smiled a little after reading the whole paragraph.
He replied to him with a simple 'dont worry I'm okay' and kept his phone aside. He tried to stand on his own and surprisingly he was able to.

He made his way downstairs with the help of the railings.
His right shoulder was injured so they had plastered his right arm.

It pained a lot even when he tried to move it slowly.
The view of the kitchen was so hilarious that he couldn't stop himself from laughing.

Yoongi was trying to chop onions while the kimchi he was trying to make was burning and the kitchen was filled with smoke. The kitchen cabinets were all open including the fridge and vegetables were falling from the counters.

All the maids looked at Yoongi with a worried expression but Yoongi just shrugged them off trying to focus on chopping the onion.

"Jimin, what are you doing here." Yoongi said and looked at him with a worried expression.
"It's not good for you to walk alone. Settle down on couch I'll quickly make lunch for us."
"Yoongi." Jimin said laughing out loudly.

"We can order something you know, I don't want the house of Min Empire's CEO to burn because he was trying to make lunch. " He said while chuckling.

"I thought that you would like it if I made something for you, but I don't know anything besides pancakes." Yoongi said and pouted.

"I would love to eat your food one day but can we just order something for now. I'm really very hungry right now." Jimin said pointing towards his rumbling belly.
"Okay I'll order for us." Yoongi said finally taking off his apron and leaving the mess he made behind.

Yoongi ordered kimchi stew for both of them.

"Here." Yoongi said placing it in front of him.
"Thank you." Jimin said and tried to pick up the chopstick with his left hand. He somehow grasped them between his finger but the food wouldn't come inside the chopsticks.
Jimin slammed the chopsticks while heaving a loud sigh.

It was now yoongi's turn to laugh.
"Here, let me feed you."
Yoongi said holding a bite for him.

Jimin hesitated at first but nothing is greater than hunger so he just ate the food that Yoongi was holding for him.
Jimin tried to say something but the words were muffled due to the food stuffed in his mouth.

"Jimin , eat first , we can talk later." Jimin nodded and opened his mouth for another bite just like a baby 'His baby'.

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