Chapter 9: Twitterpated

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(adj.) love-struck

Jimin looked at Yoongi from the couch as he was busy doing the dishes. Jimin felt sorry for him , he wanted to help him but he couldn't because of his fractured shoulder.

Jimin's thought drifted back to the dream he previously had. It was a nice dream. Whenever he looked at Yoongi or even thought about him he could feel a weird feeling settling in his stomach.

Maybe it was just because he had spent a lot of time with yoongi. Yes , it must he the reason. Bullshit , Jimin knew that he had spent more than 1 year with his other targets trying to gain their trust but he never felt anything like this for anyone before.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.
"Huh?" Jimin looked back his mind still subconscious.
" I said it's time for you to take your medicine." Yoongi said placing the medicine and a glass of water in front of him.
"Oh." Jimin gulped down the pills with water.

" Were you thinking about something?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Jimin.
"Umm yeah.. about Hyung." Jimin lied.
Yoongi made a 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded.
" We can go see him in the evening , you should rest till then."

Jimin just nodded his mind still hazy , with the thought of Yoongi and the little boy resting in his arms.

It was around 4 in the evening when they finally went to see Hangyeol.
Upon seeing his hyung Jimin jumped upon him and hugged him tightly , afraid to let you.

The site was so heartwarming for Yoongi. He just stood there at the door frame and stared at him.
After having their little reconcile session Hangyeol finally looked at Yoongi.

" Jimin who is that ?" Hangyeol asked to which Yoongi finally came inside the little room and bowed down.
" Hyung this is Yoongi , and Yoongi this is Hangyeol hyung." Jimin said while introducing them.

"He's my f-fiance." Hangyeol looked at Jimin with wide eyes , they both exchanged looks and Hangyeol understood that he was on a mission.
" Oh Mr. Yoongi , nice to meet you." Hangyeol extended his hand with a smile.
Yoongi shook his hand and replied with a smile.

" It's a pleasure meeting you too hyung."
" You got yourself a handsome guy, Jimin." Hangyeol said as he looked at Jimin.
"Hyung!" Jimin said blushingly as he nudged him in the shoulder. They all laughed after that.

They talked for awhile after that before Yoongi finally stood up.
" Jimin , I've to do some important work at office." Jimin nodded in understanding.
" You should go Yoongi."
" I'll fetch you up later okay."
" No need , I'll spend the night here." Yoongi nodded and patted Jimin's back.
"Take care okay." He said and bowed down to Hangyeol.

"He's gonna be a tough one." Jimin finally said as Yoongi left.
" Don't tell me you developed feelings for him." Hangyeol asked with a smug smile.
" No, ah.. it's not like that." Jimin said defending himself.
" Whatever, you say." Hangyeol shrugged his shoulders.


After the incident everything went back to normal. Yoongi and Jimin were busy planning for their wedding. Yoongi didn't wanted to rush it but the constant nagging from his parents made him do it.

They decided to hold just a small wedding with only important people. Jimin was feeling strangely nervous as the wedding day approached them. The tingling sensation wouldn't even let him sleep. The thought of sleeping with Yoongi , cooking breakfast for him and doing all those lovey dovey things made Jimin feel warm. But he knew this was wrong he shouldn't thing about all those things. He shook his head and mentally smacked himself.

' The Big Day '

Yoongi was constantly stirring in his room while waiting for his best friends to show up.

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