No happy endings

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I nearly jump out my skin as i face the body that said that. "What are you doing here? How do you know where i live? Did you stalk me?" I say question after question not giving him enough time to respond to neither.

"I kinda followed you that day you walked home by yourself." He says averting his eyes to the floor nervously. I was mad. Hell i was livid that he had the guts to not only stalk me, but intrude my house while my family was sleeping. He's lucky i didn't have my taser on me. 'Note to self carry defense weapons everywhere' I thought to myself proceeding to respond to this clown.

"Well i don't know if you know this Jason, but you don't invade people's house at 1 in the fucking morning!" I yell not caring if i woke anyone up. And I usually don't curse, but this was except-able. I scan him. His skin is pale. His eyes had bags on top of bags. I didn't even realize he was speaking until him calling my name brought me back to reality.

"I'm sorry 'Rae. But after what you said the other day, i couldn't help but feel guilty. That i inflicted all of that pain into your life. I can't accept the fact that your hurting all because of me. We could've been living happily ever after if i wouldn't have did what i did. I regret it 'Rae. I'm sorry. He repeats. But honestly, i stopped listening at happily ever after. The term i lost hope for after the person i wanted it with dragged it in the dirt.

"You know Jason, i used to believe in 'happily ever after'. But that was until one person showed me that there is no Snow White, or Prince Charming. Because this is real life. And life isn't always happy endings. In my case it wasn't. But it isn't fair that after what you did to me you think you can apologize and everything will be okay. You put me in a dark place that i never want to go back to." I say breaking at the last part. "Get out of my house Jason, and if i didn't make it clear at school i NEVER want to see you again." After i said that he climbed back out the window, and i shut and locked it. Wiping my tears i figured that a shower would help me relax. And it did.
At school when i sat in my seat, i wasn't greeted by Jason's burning stare, instead i heard an unfamiliar 'hey'. I looked up to see a girl with chestnut hair and blue eyes. "Hey. Are you new here?" I ask realizing I've never seen her before."Yea my family just moved here a couple houses down from yours. I think i saw you leaving this morning."

"Well I'm Sa'Raeya, but people call me Rae." I said extending my arm for her to shake my hand. "Im Trinity. I dont have a nickname." She giggles.

The end of the day came and me and Trinity got along surprisingly well considering the fact that i don't like alot of people. Well people at all.
I walk home by myself today since Macy has cheer practice, and the only sport i enjoy is volleyball but the season is over. To my dismay it started to pour down raining.
"Ohhhh great!" I say remembering i forgot my umbrella. 'Looks like im gettin' wet today'. I think to myself as i put my earphones in. The first song that plays is 'Umbrella' by Rihanna. I can't help but laugh at the coincidence.
Singing and dancing in the rain, i almost didn't notice the black mustang that pulled up next to me. When i start to take my earphones out, the window rolls down and i see a familiar pair of green eyes looking at me. "Do you need a ride?" He said concerned. The little sign of care made my heart flutter. "No my house is just up the street" i say shaking off the feeling. I don't have any time to deal with another player. I start to put my earphones in but before i could put my right one in a pair of arms wrapped firmly around my waist. I go into panic mode as i look behind me to see green eyes lifting me off the ground. He set me in his car and i go off. "Hey. You can't just pick people up and put them in your car. Thats against the law. Its called abduction, and it can get you alot of time." After i finish my mini rant i look over to him and see amusment in his eyes. "So you think this is funny? You lucky i didnt bring my pepper spray today." Second slip up in a day. I gotta get it together with my defense. Snapping me out my thoughts i heard "I don't know if you've noticed but the car is moving, and unless you want to go to my house i suggest you give me directions." He says with a smirk on his face which angers me more. I looked at the road to see that we were indeed moving. 'Maybe i can just jump out the car. Yea great idea jump out of a moving car Rae.' Realizing there's no fighting this, i gave him the directions to my house.

As we arrived to my house i began to hastily get out of his car, but before i could slam the door shut i heard a silk voice almost whisper "Bye beautiful", that almost made me faint at the sound. I yelped out a quick 'bye' and ran to my front door looking back to see if the car was still there and it was. I opened the door and looked through the window to see him pulling off. 'What a day i thought to myself'. Turning to walk to my room but startled at figure standing right behind me.

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