That boy

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"Who's that boy?" My aunt asks with a smirk on her face "No one auntie." I reply back hoping that she'll leave it alone. But who am i kidding my family always take things to the extreme. "I hope you used protection" My aunt says. I was used to this type of stuff from my aunt.

But i decided to mess with her head a little. "Dont worry auntie....we did." I say turning to my aunt to catch her reaction. I cant help but laugh. She didnt say a word, but i could tell from the look on her face that she was shook. "Im just kidding. Man auntie your such an easy target i say walking towards my room. " Keep playin' with me Rae and you'll be homeless!" She yells from the bottom of the stairs. Still dazed from laughing i shout out "Yeah yeah!" Knowing she loves me to much to put me out.

Reaching my room i shut the door, and get ready to wash the day off of me. As i step into the bathroom my phone dings and i check my notifications. I had a text that read "Did you enjoy the ride?" From an unknown number. It's the same person that texted me a night ago and i put two and two together.

"So people classify abduction as 'rides' now?" I replied figuring i should save his contact but realizing i didn't know his name. Instead i just put 'green eyes' until i got his name. My phone dings again and its from him. "Well if i wouldn't have 'abducted' you i wouldn't have heard your beautiful singing so I'd do it again."

I look down at my phone in embarrassment remembering how he found me. I do sing fairly well, but i dont like to sing around people other than family.

"Thank you, but it's not like you'll get another chance to do it again" i reply standing in the bathroom hooking up my speaker. "If you say so. What are you doing beautiful?" He sends and i blush from the word he so frequently uses with me. "About to get into the shower."

"Dont let me stop you. Text me when you get out?"

"Yea" i reply smiling at my phone actually enjoying our conversation.
Getting out the shower i decided to take Sir for a walk. Spend some mother and son time with him. "Wanna go for a walk buddy?" I ask him, watching his tail wag excitedly. "Go fetch your leash" i tell him as i put on my shoes. A few minutes later i walk down the stairs and see him sitting by the door. "Good boy Sir. Let's go!" Walking out the door i remembered that i forgot my pepper spray, but when i turned to go get it Sir ran out the house.

Me being a little athletic from volleyball and club, i took off after him. He never seemed to slow down. "Sir. Get back here!" I yell trying to gain his attention. He finally starts to slow down a little and i grab his leash as fast as i could. "You can't just take off running like that." I say trying to catch my breath. I hear a slight giggle and i whip my head in the direction it came from.

I turn around surprised to see Trinity. "Ohh hey Trin." I greet her breathing slightly less heavy. "You're a fast runner Rae." She says still laughing. "Well when you got a dog that apperantly likes to run away from you, you have to be." I look down at him and see him sitting on the pavement panting. "But anyways, what are you doing out here?"

"Well i was sitting at my desk, when a seen cute puppy run by my window and i came down to grab it." She says smiling down to Sir. "Your house is around here?" I started searching the near by houses as if i would recognize hers. "Yea just right there." She says pointing to a jade colored house. The house is a nice looking 2 story. "Your house looks really nice"

"Thanks." She replies with a look of accomplishment on her face "Well i should probably get going." I told Trinity turning on my heel "See you at school." I shouted as i picked up my pace.

Reaching my front door, i craved some vanilla ice cream. I grabbed my car keys and let Sir into the house. Getting into the car, i hooked my phone up to the aux and begin my drive to Braums. I wait in line for my ice cream and i notice a familiar figure. After i get my ice cream i notice that the figure is green eyes. Why do i keep seeing him?

Not wanting to be seen by him in the sweaty clothes im in i try to head towards the exit without being seen. I make it out the door and to my car "I made it." I thought to myself but only to be halted by his silk voice. 'Dammit' i murmur and slowly turn around. "Heeey you." I say akwardly remembering i still dont know his name. I take it that he noticed the awkward greeting because i heard his deep voice say "Vincent." Such a beautiful name for a beautiful man. I snap out of my thoughts and try to introduce myself, but to my suprise he already knows my name.

"How do you know my name?"

"I have my connections." He says with a slight smirk on his face. Thats weird. Before i seen him at the feed store i didn't even know he existed, but he knows my name? I was brought out of my thoughts with a question that i never thought I'd hear again.

"Can i take you on a date?" I thought i heard him wrong, so for clarification i asked "Excuse me?" Then he repeated his question. Not knowing how to respond to this i just stare. I know nothing about him, he knows nothing about me...i think and he wants to take me on a date. "Im not really interested." I tell him knowing thats not true. I mean, who wouldn't be interested in him. He's very beautiful. I just don't want to get to attached and fall back into that dark place. I hadn't even noticed he took a few steps closer to me.

"Give me one date, and i promise i'll change your mind." He said taking more steps towards me. The gap between us closed. My breath hitched and i looked into his green eyes. They were so tranquilizing. I noticed that his lips were moving. He whispered "You won't regret it." Still paralyzed under his stare, the only word i could say was "Okay."

He stepped back and i let out a breath that i didn't know i was holding. "Pick you up Saturday at 8." He says heading towards what i believe to be his car. 'Shoot' i say to myself realizing what just happened.
When i got back home i decided to eat my ice cream in the car knowing you can't have anything to yourself in my house. Before i could finish my phone started to ring. "Hell-" i start but was cut off by a screaming Macey

"Rae come home now!" Before i could ask questions she hung up the phone. I sat the ice cream down and got out the car. Knowing that something's wrong i open the door and run up to Macey's room. "What's going on?" I ask Macey.

"Its about your parents."

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