The boys

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When i woke back up, it was dark outside. I was in the same sleeping position i was previously in. The way the moon illuminated my room, i seen Vincent's features. He was one beautiful human. I know he called me beautiful, but HE was beautiful.

My hand involuntarily moved up his chest to touch his face. Something about that was so soothing to me, but he started to shift so i played sleep.

He snaked his arm around my waist and whispered something unclear to me. Something like bella, but that doesn't sound right.

A couple minutes later a phone started to ring, waking us both up. "Hello?" Vincent answered in a sleepy voice. Whoever was on the other end of the line sounded very angry, and it was a long time before Vincent said anything.

His emerald eyes hardened, and his body tensed when he responded. He hung up the phone, and sighed in frustration.

"Is everthing okay?" I asked him concerned. He looked into my eyes, and the tension in his body left. "Yes. I just have to get home." He said looking flustered. "Well i enjoyed today. Thank you." I flashed him a smile in gratitude. "Me too." He said returning the smile. I rolled off of him and walked him to the front door.

He seemed like he was in a hurry. "Bye beautiful." He said walking out the door to his car. When he got in, he sped off. 'What's really goin' on?' I thought to myself.

The feeling of me being watched came back, so i closed the door and went back to my room.
When i woke up the next morning, i got in the shower. I smelled french toast, a bolted down the stairs. I seen my aunt standing by the stove cooking breakfast.

I hadn't even realized how hungry i was until all the smells hit me. "Good morning niece." I heard my aunt say, but i was to busy trying to fix me a plate to respond.

That's when she said something that
made me choke on air. "I seen that boy in your room last night."
I looked at her as if she was a ghost. I guess she noticed cause she laughed.

"Im not mad at you Rae. You'll be grown in less than two weeks. I just want you to be careful." I let out a breath of relief. With my auntie you never know if you're getting a shoe thrown at you, or a pat on the back.

I finished eating and went back to my room to relax. My eyes started getting heavy, and i let the sleep consume me. I sure do sleep alot.

Vincent's POV
Last night when i got home, it was the same old same old. How I'm 'always out late' or 'its to dangerous for me to be out so late'. After the time i spent with Raeya, i wasn't gonna let him ruin my mood. I simply just walked to my room, and went to sleep.
My phone was ringing nonstop. I tried to ignore it, but everytime it would stop it started right back. "Who ever this is, this phone call better be important." I listened for whoever decided to wake me up out my sleep. "Heeyy bestieee!" I cringed at the loud sound. I immediately knew who it was. One of the only people i'll let wake me up. "Hi Sebastian." I said.

Sebastian was one of my bestfriends along with Jace. We all technically grew up together. Our fathers were childhood friends, so we were always together.

"You could at least sound a little excited to hear from me."

"It's to early for all of this" i said drowsily. He always had been an early bird

"Dude. Its one o'clock." He deadpans. I look at the time on my phone, and it was indeed one o'clock. It wasn't normal for me to be up this early.

"What do you want bash?" I question starting to get annoyed. "Me and Jace are coming to your house so we can go clubbing, and bond." He was the sentimental one out of us. He wanted us to always be bestfriends no matter what.

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