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"What do you mean?" I asked frantically.  I search her eyes and they're filled with panic. "Macey" i call out to her desperately, needing her to say something before my brain assumes the worst. "We lost everything Rae." I knew all to well what she meant.

"No. No,no,no,no. Please NO!" Not wanting to be bothered, i storm to my room and lock myself in. Every freaking time this happens. 'I give up. I'm done, i don't have it in me.'  Every time we get close something goes wrong, but this time we were careful. Or so I thought.

'I need answers.'  I think to myself before rising to my feet and heading to my aunt's room "Rae-" Macey starts, but i countinue walking not wanting to hear her at the moment. When i get my aunt's room, she's standing there with the gang.

"What happened?" I ask tears almost spilling from my eyes. "Rae im sorry." My aunt says with sympathy in her voice. "What happened?" I ask again a little more composed this time. "Well, we were working then out of no where, the systems crashed, and by the time we got everything back loaded, it was to late to save anything ."

I can't form any words. This is how we lost everything. It's unbelievable. "How is it possible to just lose everything, when we have the best I.T. tech there is?" I glanced over at Robert and he flinched at the mention of his job. Something wasn't adding up. "Someone hacked us Rae. The software that they used was untraceable. It was foreign to me. We must've been too close to something. I'm sorry." Robert had a sorrowful look in his eyes. I trudge back up to my room. I cry myself to sleep not knowing what else to do.
"Ugghh" i groan waking up with the worst headache. 'That's what happens when you cry yourself to sleep'  i think to myself before getting up to go to the bathroom. After i use the restroom i stare in the mirror.

"Do i really look like this?" I look in the mirror in shock. "I gotta start lovin' myself again." With that being said, i hop in the shower and wash my hair which is a 1 hour process by itself.

Once i get out of the shower, i feel hungry. I can't decide if i wanna go downstairs see my family and eat, or if i wanna stay in my room binge watch Jane the Virgin and starve. 'Starve it is." I say jumping on my bead grabbing my computer. I was starting to get sleepy and i drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to wet kisses from Sir. "Are you hungry?" I asked him knowing he does this when he has to use it or is hungry, but since his food bowl was empty i already knew. He wagged his tail in response.

"Me too. Lets go get some food." I got up out of my bed and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed some leftover pasta from i don't know when and Sir's food and two bottles of water. I ran back up the stairs and made it into my room. I poured Sir's food and water into his bowls, and i jumped on my bed and ate.
The last two days have been the same. Me running up and down the stairs not wanting to interact with my family yet. Me being sad about the inconvenience. Me binge watching all the shows on netflix. Nothing changed.

I was in the middle of watching ' A series of unfortunate events' when my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I questioned  to the person on the other end. 'Hey Sa'Raeya." Said a silk voice, and i knew who it was. The way my name rolled off his tongue sounded so majestic. "Hey Vincent" i responded in a trance from his voice. "Are you ready for today?" Optimism clear in his voice.

My mind wanders. 'What's today?' I think to myself repeatedly. A voice snapped me out of my thoughts
"You forgot."  He said with a little hurt in his voice. Then it hit me. I have a date today. I think of a lie quickly because im not in the mood to leave the house. "No no. I didn't forget, It's just that i caught a cold, and i didn't want it to spread." Sir sneezes right on que, and i make one of those 'after sneeze' noises to make it seem like it was me.

"Well I hope you feel better beautiful." When he said that i felt a little guilty, but i mean who would want to go on a date when they just found out that any chance they had at finding their parents that have been missing for 2 years is gone. "Me too." I said hanging up the phone continuing my show.

Vincent's POV
'There goes my saturday plans' I think to myself sitting in my throne room. I really looked forward to getting to know more about Sa'Raeya. Ever since that night i seen her walking, and finding that dog.

I remember me and Butch were on our way back home, and we seen a girl standing in a  fighting stance with a taser and pepper spray. Even though i was laughing my ass off, i couldn't help but notice the way the street lights hit her face. She was beautiful. 'She has to be mine.' I thought to myself.

As a mafia prince, i should be always busy with something. But nope im sitting in the throne room bored out of my mind. "What to do, what to do, what to do. Uggh." I groan in annoyance. A light bulb cut on in my head. 'I know what i can do." I think to myself rising to my feet.

Sa'Raeya's POV
Im making my fifth journey to the kitchen today. Tip toeing to the fridge, I open it and grab a yogurt. When i turn around Macey is looking me dead in the face. I jump startled by her presence.

"Hi Mace." I say akwardly knowing she's about to give me an earful. I mean i don't blame her though. It was selfish of me to close off my family at a time like this.  "So now you decide to talk after you been cooped up in your room for three days?" By the tone in her voice i could tell it was a rhetorical question. "I'm sorry Macey." I said feeling guilty. "It's just getting harder and harder for me to deal with these fails."

"It's hard on all of us Rae. That's our family too. You're not alone, and i need you to understand that. Family is supposed to stay together in times like this not break apart." She was right. She was absolutely right. I was so used to being by myself, that i forgot  i didn't have to be.

Im usually not a sentimental person, but this hit home. Before i know it tears are streaming down my face. "Im sorry Macey." I repeat. " It's okay Rae." She reassures me coming in for a hug. I hear sniffles in my ear. "Are you crying to?" I ask Macey trying look over my shoulder at her. "No." She said with a waver in her voice. I knew she was. Macey just hated admitting that.

"Okay enough crying." I say pulling away from Macey. "I got a yogurt to eat." I said walking over to grab me a spoon. I was almost at the first step when the doorbell rung. I opened the door to see Vincent.
Hello my lovely readers. How are you guys? Sorry i took a while to update. Im a procrastinator. I see my reads have went up so to my new readers thank you for giving my story a chance. To all of my readers, bear with me. I know this story isn't all that great, but i will be. Don't forget to comment, share, and vote. See you guys in the next chapter. Peaaaaccee!

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