Hurt people Hurt people

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Vincent's POV
The last 3 months were terrible. Ever since Raeya rejected me, I've been feeling so low. There was something telling me that she would say no. It was too early. The thought of being able to call her mine was stronger than that something. 

I guess next time I'll listen to myself.  I knew it was wrong to be mad at her for being scared, but the first time i put myself out there I got rejected. I needed time to lick my wounds. Jace and Bash have been trying to get me out the house, but i turned them down everytime.

Even though I didn't officially tell them what happened, they figured it out once they stopped seeing her. I missed la mia bella ragazza (my beautiful girl), but I couldn't face her. She led me on, and it hurt.

'Quit being so dramatic. You're a mafia prince. Aren't you built for stuff like this?' "A mafia prince with feelings" I say back to myself. I was right though. It wasn't doing my skin any justice to be frowning all day.

'Uggggh. Get it together Monroe'. As if he read my mind, Jace came busting through my door. "Hey. I have a date, and you've been sad since whatever happened with you and Raeya so you're coming. She's bringing somebody too." I look at my bestfriend three times to make sure it was the Jace I knew.

" a date? With another human???" I was genuinely curious. One, where'd he meet her, and two who was the girl that got Jace to agree to a date?!

"Haha, you're so funny Vincent. You're coming. No if, ands, or buts about it." He took off before I had the chance to object, but I wasn't going to. A chance to move on would be nice. Hopefully I'll take a liking to whoever his date was bringing.
Imagine my surprise when Sa'Raeya plopped down in front of me. I was excited to see her, but only on the inside. Macey was starring daggers into me, and Jace was starring daggers into Raeya. I looked at his face and he had an apologetic look in his eyes.

"Macey, may I have a word with you?" Jace grabbed Macey by the hand and drug her away from the table. I focused my attention on Raeya. She looked so tired. Her eyes were puffy and she had bags for days. I knew I was making her uncomfortable, but it was the least I could do after she, ya know, crushed my feelings and all.

She was about to say something, but I looked away. I'd forget why i was even upset if I heard her talk.

"I didn't know she was your cousin!"

"Well I didn't know he was your friend!" Jace and Macey were trying to whisper, but considering the fact that they weren't that far from the table I could hear them.

I laughed about how coincidental it was that he had met her. They made their way back to to the table. Slight frustration was evident on their face. I didn't want to ruin whatever plans they had, so I offered to leave.

"I'll go. I'll tell Butch to come and pick me up." I heard their objections, but it was already too much for me. I waited outside for what seemed like hours.

"Vincent?" I knew that voice all too well. For a second I wanted to smile because of how much i missed it. Then I was hurt again because that same voice rejected me. "I'm sorry. I really am. It was never in my intentions to hurt your feelings. I was just afraid to love again because-" she stopped talking. Probably didn't want to tell me about what happened, but I already knew.

I'll kill Jason for that some other time. That was understandable, but what wasn't understandable was how she could say it wasn't her intention to hurt me.

" Raeya when I asked for your number that day, what did you think it was for? So I could be your friend or something? Or the times where I would come to your house just to be under you. You thought that i was doing that for my health?" I know me, and I know that any interaction i had with her wasn't friendly.

"The times where you would just pop up at my house wanting to watch a movie, or just simply talk. That made me believe that we were something more. Or at least we could be. You strung me along like I was a dog on a leash. If you weren't ready you could've told me before I wasted time trying. So from my point of view you wanted to hurt me."

I finally turned and looked at her. Her puffy eyes turned red from the tears on her face. "I'm sorry. It was "never in my intentions" to make you cry." Right on time, butch pulled up. I wasn't trying to make her cry, and it hurt me just to see how sad she looked in the café. But i had to focus on my pain before I was consumed by hers.
Alot of feels came out in this chapter. Whose side are you on? Vincent's or Raeyas? I'm team Vineya. Sa'Rincent? Team both in other words😂. Anyways guys don't forget to
and I'll see y'all in the next chapter.
*This chapter was written before my leave of absence lol*

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