Date night

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"What are you doing here Vincent?" I asked biting my tongue nervously. Thank god i had just finished crying and my eyes were puffy, and my nose was red. I scanned him from head to toe, and boy was he sexy. He had on grey joggers, with a matching grey hoodie. My eyes ,unintentionally might i add, drifted to his private area when he said "Eyes up here Raeya." With a smirk on his face. I blushed from embarrassment, but smiled at the nickname.

"I-i" i stuttered struggling to find the right words to say. I looked in his hands to see he had food. "You brought me food?" I blurted out trying to change the subject. "Yeah. I was bored at home, and figured since you can't go to the date, why not bring the date to you?" He said with a small smile on his face. I smiled at the kind gesture, but it quickly faded away after i remembered that i hadn't been truthful to him.

I had to tell him. I felt too guilty. "Look Vincent.." I started all the joy he had on his face vanished, and was replaced by nervousness. "I'm not really sick. I just didn't want to go on the date because of something personal that happened in my family. I didn't tell you because i didn't feel like answering questions." It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I look up at Vincent to see his emotions, and to my surprise he has a smile on his face.

"Raeya i thought you were going to tell me you didn't want me here. That's understandable." He says with a reassuring toothy smile, to which i return. "I could never turn down food." I said while stepping to the side so he could come into my house. "Follow me." I said walking up the stairs to my room.

I shut the door behind him, and he was examining my room. "You like?" I asked him looking around my room. Thank god i always keep my room clean. "For a girl, you don't have alot of colors in your room." He said putting the food on my bed. "I've never really liked your typical "girl" colors. My favorite is red."

"Mine is royal blue." He said with a charming smile on his face. I sat on bed and opened the food. "So. What do you want to do?" I asked him stuffing my face with bread. "Well the whole purpose of this date was to get to know each other." He said with a gleeful tone.

"Okay. I'm Sa'Raeya Campbell, I'm 17, my birthday is in about 2 weeks, I'm an only child, I live with my aunt and cousins, i like to sing, i play volleyball, my favorite food is any type of Italian, and thats it i guess." I said shrugging my shoulders. Im not a very interesting person. I don't go out all the time like your average teenager. I just chill at home. "Your turn." I tell him as i stuff my face with more food.
"Vincent Monroe, im 19, my birthday is on June 27th, I have a sister, I live with my father, and that's all i can think of."

"You don't have any hobbies?"

"Not really but i do like to cook." He said slightly embarrassed. I found it cute. A man that can cook? You can't beat that. "That's nice." I told him continuing to eat. "Save some food for me." He complained, but all that was on my mind was the food. "If you really wanted some, you'd join me and not stand there like a weirdo." I laughed at the last part. I've just been saying the word "weirdo" lately, and i find it amusing.

He sat on the bed, and started eating with me. While eating, we discussed normal things like our child hood, and basically got to know each other even more. After we finished, we decided to watch Netflix on my computer. We were half way through "#reality high", when i started to feel a little drowsy. Vincent shifted, and i felt his hand massaging my scalp and playing with my hair. This boy must've really did his research cause that was a weakness of mine. Before i knew it i was sleep.

A couple of hours later i woke up. I felt something under me and looked up to see a sleeping Vincent. My arm was across his waist, and my leg was draped over his. This was the position i always woke up in, but i just had to do it while Vincent was here. I was to tired to move, so i put my head back down on his chest and fell asleep.
Hi guuuys. So tell me. How'd you like this chapter? It was pretty boring to me. But HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYSSS💙💙? Sorry to all my saints fans out there better luck next year! Anyways guyys dont forget to vote, comment, and share. I'll see you in the next chapter. Peeaaacce.

Edit:Cringe much😭?

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