Beauty in the dark

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*Beep beep beep

"Ughhh" I groan at my annoying phone box knowing i have to get up. I feel fur under my arm and i immediately jump up and scream.
"Ohh Sir i forgot i had you bud." Feeling relieved i get up walking to me and Macey's bathroom with Sir following. "That's one way to wake up" I think to myself


Me and Macey normally walk to school, but today my aunt suggested taking us. "Hey Rae?" Macey says in a whispering tone.

"Yea?" I say curious to why she's whispering. "Don't freak out when i tell you this but-"  She pauses which irritates my soul "What Macey?!"

"I think Jason's back"

My heart stops. I immediately freeze thinking of the day i almost ended it all
*Knock knock knock
"Jason it's me" I twist the handle checking to see if the door was unlocked, and to my surprise it was. Stepping into the house i call out one more time for him before heading towards his bedroom door
"Jason yo-" Shocked i dropped everything in my hands. I can suddenly hear my heart beat and tears started to instantly pour down my face
"Why?" Seems to be the only thing i can say "Sa'Raeya I'm sorry" Jason says with a look of guilt on his face. I look over to the girl he's laying with and then back to him. "You're sorry? After all I've done for you Jason after all we've been through and you're sorry? You couldn't give me something better than sorry?" I scan his face to try and find any type of emotion and he has guilt written all over him. "Was i not good enough Jason?" He took to long to answer and i knew what that meant. Not wanting to see his face anymore i ran. I ran and ran until i got home. Went into my aunts cabinet, grabbed a bottle of pills and had a ball.

Wiping the tears i didn't even know i generated i looked Macey in the eyes. That was the worst day of my life, and she knew it. Til this day i still don't know what happened to me in that moment, but life as i knew it was over for me. Sorrow was all i seen in macey's eyes. Not even knowing we arrived at the school i look out the window at all the students and how they look happy. "Maybe one day i'll be happy again" I think to myself before getting out the car.
We were transitioning to 7th period and i've been doing good at avoiding him. But as i walk into my 7th period, there he was sitting there. As soon as i walked in the class room i heard it again. My heart beat as he looked at me with his hazel eyes. A wave of shock slid across his face and i focused my attention to any available seats. The only seat avaliable was the one right next to him, so i had no choice but to sit there. As soon as i got to my seat i threw my hood over my head and put my head down. I felt a pair of eyes burning the side of my head and i was tempted to look up, but i ignored the feeling.
The end of 7th period is nearing and I'm ready to go home. At the sound of the bell i quickly gather my things and head towards the door. But only to be stopped by a voice that calls my name that i haven't heard in years and a voice i so very much hated. I should've kept walking, but slowly i turn around dreading the moment i  come face to face with this beast. "What?" I say hoping that he notices my tone and ends the conversation.

"How are you?" He says nervously stuffing his hands in his pockets. How am i? He broke my heart into a million pieces and he asks how am i? "So much worse since you've cheated. Not to mention my parents are still missing they're probably dead for all i know, and  i can't seem to trust anybody not even my family because I'm constantly trying to figure out if they're trying to hurt me. Thanks for that by the way. Hmmm lets see what else... OH and my heart is still shattered. So thanks for asking. Anything else?"

I say bluntly before leaving the school beginning my walk home. I didn't even give him the chance to come up with an excuse. I probably would've killed him if i did. Since i got held up with that little altercation, Macey left before me and i had to walk by myself. Great... just freakin great.
Walking into the front door i see my aunt and cousins standing questioningly around Sir. "Oh shoot!" I think to myself remembering i never told them about him.

"Hi guys" i say akwardly waiting for their reaction. "When did we get a dog 'Rae?" Says my aunt. She was surprisingly calm. I say the first lie that pops into my head."Ohh..umm... He was at the door one night and he looked cold so i let him in." I say still not wanting them to know about my walks. " Do you have the things you need to take care of him?"  Carter says and i remember that i need things to take care of a dog.

"I forgot. But we'll go get them now. Come on Sir."

"Hey let me come!"

"Nope!" I yell walking out the door. I grab Sir and get in the car trying to remember what i need 

Pulling up to the store i feel as if im being watched, but I don't see anyone. I walk into the feed store and go to the colar section. Then i seen a cute boy with green eyes he was very well built with dark curly hair. God maybe? He caught me staring and i hid. Thinking I'll come back for the colar i decide to continue my dog shopping journey.

Leaving the store i do a mini checklist and remember that i forgot the colar. Before i can walk back into the store i see the boy i was gawking at walking out. He walked up to me and my palms started sweating.

"Since I guess my beautiful face prevented you from getting what you intended to from the colar section, I got it for you."
Cocky much? He hands me a cute grey colar with gold paws on it. "Thank you, but you didn't have to get this for me." i say nervously, but shocked because he was so thoughtful. Remembering that he is a stranger i come to my senses. "Here let me at least give you the money for it" I say fumbling around in my purse.

"No need for that. In return, just give me your number."  I look at him and burst out laughing. "You.. want my number?" I say in between breathes.
"Well excuse me if i want a beautiful girl like you phone number"
When he says that i started choking akwardly. "Okaay" i say as i enter my number into his phone. He walks off and i head to the car.
*1 am
With a forceful urge to pee. I force myself off the bed and drag myself to the bathroom with my phone. I see a text from an unknown number that reads "Hey beautiful" confused i responded


Seeing what time the text was actually sent, i figure the other person is sleep, so i dont anticipate the reply.

"Ouch. Freak!" I say loudly when i hit my toe on the corner of my bed.

"That's some hardcore cursing."
Heyooooooooo! So... Who do you think was in the house with Sa'Raeya. I know *wink wink. Anywhooo come back for more. I'll see you in chapter 4.

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