Work in Progress

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4 Years later...

I hadn't seen Vincent since the last time he came over to my house one night.

I remember waking up to the sound of my window opening and reaching in the drawer to grab my taser, but I relaxed when I saw his face. I was still half asleep, so it hit me like a tidal wave when it registered in my brain that the person was Vincent. This was about a month after what happened at the cafe. He stood at my window examining me before he removed his jacket and shoes and came to sit on my bed. He started talking before any questions could fly out of me.

"I'm moving to Italy in two days. I couldn't leave without coming to see you and say goodbye. I also wanted to apologize about my childish behavior at the cafe. It was selfish of me to not take your feelings into consideration. I tried to move you too fast, but it was also selfish of you not to do the same to mine." I sat quietly listening to him speak. He was right. Deep down I knew that what Vincent and I were doing would end up hurting one of us, and instead of using my head, I let my emotions cloud my judgement. I knew I was emotionally unavailable, yet I still opened up to him.

"Right people, wrong time." I said leaning my head over and resting it on his shoulder. He sighed and kissed my forehead while repeating my statement.

"Right people, wrong time."

By the time I woke up he was gone, and part of me was torn because an exciting chapter of my life closed, and the other part was content because I now know because of him, I can feel again and for that I will always be indebted to him. When he left, I pushed him to the back of my mind. Our memories together slowly seemed to fade.

A lot has changed in the short span of 4 years. Instead of going to college, me and Macey decided to finish our studies online and start the formal training of being initiated into the gang. I was in my last year of college and my last year of training. I had been doing subtle missions here and there, but they say the last training mission is your toughest mission, and could either make you or break you, and mine was approaching fast.

I had majored in psychology, and mastered the art of switching my humanity off and on when I needed to. And that's part of the reason I was one of the highest ranks. When something needed to be done, I never hesitated. I did my job quickly and clean. I moved into my own apartment a few minutes away from my aunts house. It was decorated modernly, being mostly white, grey and black, and I lived alone because I preferred to have my own personal space after having to deal with living with Carter and Macey for 6 years. Pestering me every chance they got.

"Mommy's home boy." Sir bolted out of his kennel as I crouched down to ruffle his fur. It had been a long day out running my speakeasy. The managers I hired were useless. "Remind mommy to look for new people who have more than half their brain function." I kicked my shoes into the middle of the floor and poured me a glass of whine. Sir tilted his head at my actions. "And who might you be to judge me? Day drinking isn't all that bad." I could've sworn it was a secret human in my dog's body. He had so much expression. I had to go to a training session, so I took a quick shower, and I was on my way.

I arrived at the same time as Mace did. "Oh, so we're on time today?" I laughed at her sarcastic tone, she was one to talk. Sometimes she didn't even show up, but since she was living with her trainer she just did it at home. "Comical coming from someone who doesn't even show their face half the time love." We laughed exiting our cars. I greeted my trainer with the normal smile and 'hello'. The sexual tension was evident seeing as though we did sometimes have casual sex. That was one of the times where my humanity switch would be off. As attractive as he was, I did not have time to be emotionally involved with him, or anyone for that matter. My main priority was my training.

Today was the day we found out what our last mission was. "As you all know, your last training mission is arriving. Congrats you've done the bare minimum, and made it this far. Half of you will move on to become agents, and half of you will be outcast and blackmailed into silence. We assign the missions based on your skill and what we think you can handle. Now report to your lieutenant and get your mission." We scattered like roaches to our designated posts. I was the last in my line, and decided I would open my envelope as a graduation gift to myself. Graduation was in a couple of days, so it could wait until then. I hadn't even made it out of the building good before Macey ran up to me questioning what I got. "My mission is to hack into the CIA's database and get dirt on one of their agents to get them to form an alliance with us." Macey was tech savvy so this would be a piece of cake for her. "That's pretty badass girl, but I'm not opening mines until after graduation." It would give me time to put my full attention into my graduation. "You're dumb. What if you have to have it done before then?" There was a possibility that she was right, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. "You're right, but the real question is will that stop me?" I said with a smirk getting into my car and zooming home carefree of the slow poke drivers I swerved around here and there honking at me.

The day I've been waiting for is finally here. The day I graduate. It's bittersweet because I absolutely hate school, but this is still a huge accomplishment to me. "Sa'Raeya Campbell." my principle calling my name made everything else fade away. I walked across the bright stage with an endless smile looking at my adoring family. As I was scanning over the crowd my eyes locked with a familiar pair of green one, and time as I knew it stopped. My feet were still moving, but I couldn't breathe, and I'm pretty sure my heart stopped for 5 solid seconds. I hurried off the stage and tried to locate the eyes, but when I did I was disappointed. It wasn't who I longed for it to be. "Sorry. I thought you were someone else." Turning around I felt my face sink. 'Get it together. You're graduating today, and plus he left 4 years ago. Never coming back. Suck it up' My inner self was always right, though I was still a bit sad. I put on a smile, and carried out my day.

I finally made it home after a full day of partying. A ding from my computer sent me flying in that direction. It was about my brother. I had done some digging over the years and found out that his name was Alexander, and that he had a wife and kid. A couple years ago though they fell off the radar and were never heard of again. I read the words on my screen and smiled to myself internally as the new got better each word. The last place he was seen was in New York at what I'm assuming to be his parents house. "This is a start" i said to myself shutting my laptop. I gave up searching for my parents a while ago, and accepted the fate that they were probably dead. It gave me the closure I needed to finally breathe again.

I felt jittery eyeing the envelope contemplating on if now was the time to open it. I decided to get a little tipsy before I did to ease my nerves. It did little help, but at least I felt good. I finally opened the envelope after having a one sided staring contest with it. A picture fell out but I hadn't paid it any mind yet

"Mission #104: You are to be stationed in Rome, Italy by 11/24/20. Here is your target. Locate him and by any means necessary, get him to tell you about Richard Morelli."

Rome, Italy. That's where he was. And I'm set to be there in less than a week. "God give me strength." With that being said I looked into all the facial recognition systems I knew of and started my hunt.

Hey guys, I'm back to writing again, but I haven't really been persistent because my book isn't performing how I want it to, and  I'm not saying that I'm not grateful for my current readers I VERY much so am, but it's hard to stay motivated when your book is flopping. But I shall persevere none the less. Anywho, PM me about anything you would like to see happen, or how I could improve andddd




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