Boys night

152 13 2

Vincent's POV

We were getting ready to go to the club. It was 9:30, and it didn't open till 10. Why we were getting ready so early is a question i have no answer for. I had on a grey nike shirt,with white jeans. I was looking for my grey nike hoodie needing it to complete my fit, but then i remembered i left it at Raeya's house.

I decided to call her to see if she could bring it over. "Heeyy Vinny." I cringed at the nickname. It sounded so sour. "Hey Raeya. What're you doing?" I asked hoping she wasn't doing anything important. "Nothing. About to go get me something to eat. Why? Wassup?" The urge to tell her to get me something was suppressed by the need of my hoodie.

"If you haven't left your house, can you bring me my grey hoodie?" Something was moving in my peripheral vision. I looked over at Jace and he was making kissy faces and hearts. I mouthed for him to stop, then Bash joined him.

I was about to throw something at them, but i heard Raeya talk. "The one that you left when you came over my house? Yea, no that's my hoodie now." I laughed at the seriousness in her voice.

"I'll bring it back. I just need it for tonight." After seconds of silence she sighed in defeat. "Fineee. Send me the address."

I smiled and told her thank you, and hung up the phone. I looked over at my bestfriends, and the burst out laughing. "You guys aren't shit." I said to them playfully.
A couple of minutes went by and i heard a knock at the door. I was about to go answer it but Jace and Bash were already there. "Oh no" i thought to myself seeing the forced smile on Raeya's face. As i got closer i heard Bash say " So your the girl that's got Vincent all cuddly?" With a mischievous grin on his face.

Jace was about to add his comment, but i interrupted. "Get awaaay from the door." I said grabbing the backs of their jackets, and pulling them. I looked down and seen Raeya's beautiful self looking at me. "Hi." Her soft voice said. "Ciao." I said back, a huge smile on my face. There was a flash of confusion in her eyes, but it went away when she handed me my hoodie.

"I want it back ok? If i don't get this one, i will come over here, break into your home, and steal the rest of them." She said giving me the jacket.

"Yes ma'am, but if i may ask, why can't i keep my jacket?" I asked playfully. "Because it fits me big, so when i wear it to school, I can go to sleep with it covering my whole body."

I laughed at her logic, but it made sense. I went to private school cause my dad didn't think public school was safe, but i did it all the time. "Okay, okay." I said and she clapped gleefully.  I didn't want to go back into the house til i knew she made it to her car.

I couldn't help but stare a little lower, and boy did she have an ass on her. It wasn't one of them kim k booties, but it wasn't no where near the flat becky booties. More on the kim k side.

Out of no where, she tripped on air. I snickered and she shouted "I'm okay". I walked back into the house, and met two pair of eyes. " You guys are weird." I told them before falling down on the couch.
We were in the car on our way to the club. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, so i knew i had to be on the look out.

"One of us has to stay sober to drive us back." Bash said looking at me. I looked back to Jace and he was looking at me too. I couldn't believe these two. They show up to my house, invade my privacy, and expect me not to drink?

Unless you want someone or something to damage the mafia, i suggest you stay sober. Stupid conscience.

"I'll stay sober." I heard them cheer to themselves. Some friends they are.
We finally got to the club. The bouncer looked at me with wide eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. I loved the fear i put in people. But little did they know, im not even as ruthless as people make me out to be.

We made our way over to the bar. Jace and Bash didn't hesitate to order the good stuff. I ordered something i knew wasn't too strong. Hennesy. While sipping my drink at the bar, i looked around.

I seen my two idiot best friends on the dance floor, and a female approaching me.  She was bold. Usually they'd admire me from a distance.

I was about to walk off, but she grabbed my arm. So she's BOLD bold. She was small, with long chestnut hair. She was curvy, and I'd be lying if i said she wasn't pretty. She wasn't Raeya though. No one could compare to her beauty. 

"Hi handsome." She said batting her lashes. Nope it's time to go. I've heard that line, and seen that role many times before. Desperation never attracts me. Without giving her the time of day i went and joined my friends.
We were having a good time. They were drunk off their asses, and we were currently sitting at the bar. I looked around the club, and i seen someone open the back door. It looked like Mason. I didn't know he was the club type. I got up and followed him with my bestfriends following behind.

I shushed them because they kept asking me 'where are we going?'. I tried to send them back but they followed me any way. I peeked into the alley, and it was indeed Mason.

He was handing an envelope in exchange for cash to someone. "Whose our friend Mason?" I asked him stepping into the alley way. They both looked at me. The other person ran with the envelope, and i sent Jace and Bash after him. I focused my attention back on the Mason.

He looked petrified, but the look i gave him let him know that it was the end of him. I took slow long steps towards him. "We trusted you, and since I kinda like you, I'll give you a head start." I loved a good run, and what better way to exercise than to chase an opp?

He took off. "That's the fight or flight instinct i like to see." When people are scared, they don't think rationally, and knowing Mason he'd lead us to a secluded area.

He was very slow, so i was barely running. My assumption was right. We were at a abandoned park. This was the perfect place.

I pulled out my gun, and shot him in the calf. He cried out in pain. Music to my ears. I walked to him and stepped on his wound. "Care to tell me  what you gave to him Mason? Maybe, just maybe I'll let you live."I asked with a sadistic smile. I lied. He was going to die anyway. I think he knew, cause he stayed quite. After 10 seconds of silence, i grew trigger happy. "No? Okay. Ci vediamo all'inferno." (See you in hell) I cocked my gun, and shot him in his back, arm, and finally his head. I called Picaso.

He was the one that dealt with the bodies and stuff. "Picaso venire e smaltire Mason rimane. Lo il testo l'indirrizo."(Picaso come and dispose of Masos remains. I'll text you he address) I said to him walking back to the bar. When i got to the alley i seen Jace and Bash. Bash had the envelope in his hand.

"Did y'all deal with the guy?" I asked examining  myself to see if i got dirty. Like i said, I'm not ruthless. I like a clean kill. They weren't apart of the mafia, but they knew about it. They were my best friends, so i told them. When im in situations i can't handle by myself, they're my backup.

"Yep. He's dead."  Jace said handing me the envelope. I opened it and read it. It was information on our two most important prisoners. If this would've got out, all that we've worked for would've been lost.

I thanked my friends and headed back to the bar. "Nobody's staying sober tonight boys."
Merry belated Christmas guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and your holiday. What'd you get? Again sorry if the translations are off. Feel free to assist me in the comment section. Vote, share, and comment, and I'll see you lovlies in the next chapter. Peaccceee!

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