Reunited at last

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We stared at each other in disbelief. He was the first to speak. "You're the agent that was creeping at my warehouse?" His warehouse? I was there to investigate the mafia. "What do you mean your warehouse?" He stayed silent, and I connected the dots. "You're in the mafia?" How the heck couldn't I have known? I knew him for what, a year maybe? And I didn't piece together the fact that he was in a mafia??

"You're in a gang?" He said equally as shocked as me. That was confidential information, so I played dumb. "Why would I be in a gang?" Why did I just lie?! This man was in the mafia. I was way out of my territory here. The look he gave me told me that he didn't believe me, but he didn't press the issue. I looked behind him and seen Jace and Sebastian resurfacing. "Hey Raeya."

I gave them a confused look, partially because they still remembered me, but mostly because they were so calm about seeing me. "Wait, Sa'Raeya?!" There's  the reactions I was expecting. They looked between me and Vincent repeatedly. I stood there for a full 30 seconds watching them with their mouths a gape.

"Well its been lovely to see you guys, but I have to get going. See ya!" The inside of me was a nervous reck having all of my old feelings hit me at once. "Hey wait, you can't leave!" Vincent called out to me. That didn't stop me from trying though. He picked me up in an instant. I was about to kick his leg and force him to put me down, but as if this day couldn't get any worse,

I hesitated.

I cursed myself out mentally while he was carrying me to what I assume to be his office.

"Sit." He pointed to a chair that was opposite of the one he sat in. I eyed it for a second and looked back at him continuing to stand. He rolled his eyes before picking up his phone to call someone. I took this time to fully take him in. He had grew out his hair a little more, and grew a stubble. Nothing much had changed about him. His accent got thicker, and he got buffer, and MUCH more attractive. And that's saying a lot because he was already attractive when  I met him.

I had to disregard my whorely instincts to bend myself over his desk right now. I zoned back in to his face, and he was observing me as I was him. He was speaking to someone in Italian, and I tried to make out as many words as I could, but he was going too fast. I was observing the room until him clearing his throat pulled me out of my thoughts. "The mafia needs help from your association." I continued on with my plan to be clueless. "I don't know what 'association' you're talking about." I said mocking his tone trying to be serious.

"Give it up Raeya." He deadpanned . They had too many connections to not know each and every one of our social security numbers by now. I sighed in defeat. "What could the Mafia possibly need help with? And what would we gain from it?" Actually we could use the favor the mafia would owe us for this "We have associates in your territory, one of them in particular have tried to go rouge, and take more than their cut."

I was still confused. It was the Mafia. They could handle little shit like this on their own. "And?" I said signaling for him to continue. "We know you guys keep tabs on any underdogs in your territory, and we need help with setting them up. They would immediately recognize somebody from the mafia and see them as a threat, but one of you  would be less obvious."

This was a decent  plan, but I couldn't agree before we made a deal agreeing that they would owe us. "And what's in it for us?" He looked me in my eyes with a smirk on his face. "Your life." I was stunned, but this was Vincent.  I called his bluff. "That's not enough, and besides, you wouldn't hurt a hair on my head."

I was the one smirking now.

His face dropped into a scowl and he rushed over to me like the flash. He wrapped his hand around my neck, and squeezed a little. "I'm not the same Vincent from four years ago Raeya. I'll kill you and then some." From the way his eyes were looking at me, I could tell his words held some truth. But it was literally my job to read people like a book, and my observations were telling me that he wouldn't. I smiled at him, and put my own hand over his. "And I'm not the same girl that begged for your forgiveness outside of a cafe four years ago love. Now, offer us something that'll be worth it, or the answer is no."

I still had the same smile on my face, and this angered him more. I never would've  thought that I'd be in this predicament with Vincent, but now that I am, I feel like such a badass. Being able to handle my business, and not succumb to my feelings was a huge accomplishment for me. I could be so submissive at times.

He made his way back to the phone, and spoke for a few seconds. "You have a deal." Checkmate. I was feeling a little bold, so I walked closer to him and sat down in front of him on his desk. I looked up at him before speaking. "What exactly is that deal?" He eyed me for too long for my liking. I remembered how awful I must look with dried blood all over me.

"We can help you find your parents."

To say I was surprised is an understatement. So many thoughts ran through my mind. How did he know? Had he known all this time? "How uh- how do you know about that?" I had a huge lump in my my throat, and it physically hurt to talk. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a folder. "They owe us for a favor we did for them a while back. We've been looking for them too." He slid the folder across the desk and I opened it with a quickness. It had the dates where they were last seen, which was way after they 'died'.

"They're alive?!"

I was still going through the file but when Vincent didn't answer me I knew. I was hurt. Why would they go all this time without contacting me. Did they not want to see this anymore? Vincent looked at me with sorrowful eyes as if he knew what I was thinking. "If you do this for us their debt will be payed off." I was speechless. I couldn't fathom how my parents were alive.

"Ok I'll see what I can do." I got up to leave, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you bella." My arms instinctively wrapped around him to hug him with the same force as he had hugged me. I wasn't gonna admit it to him, but I missed him too. I pushed him away before I could sink any further into him. I gave him one last smile before I exited his office. The real dramatic kind too.

I was pulled into another hug when I got back to the door. "Don't leave again. He's much more of an asshole now." I laughed embracing Jace and Sebastian back. It was weird to be here picking up where we left like nothing ever changed. "Don't worry, i'll be back." I pulled away from them grinning, and waved goodbye as I left. It was good to see them, but I had to focus. No more friendly-ness. Business from here on out.

Or at least I tried to be.


Hey guysss. I know I said no more long breaks, but it totally wasn't my fault this time. I ad to get a new computer. But anyways





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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