Chapter 16

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Katie's POV:

"I assume because you are werewolves, you got some money and probably already got the record story. Right?" I look at Cashton akd smile a little at his blush and guilty expression. "Yeah, sorry about that." he says sheepishly. "It's fine. I already knew about it anyway." I say before I clear my throaand really begin.

"For the past couple of years mt parents tried ti bring me with then for their anniversary but I knew that that day was for your parents only so I always said no. But then, for their last one I said yes. I was curious as to what they were gonna do. Which ended up being a mistake. The whole day they let me pick out everything. When I asked they just said that I deserved it. How I did, I didn't know, but I took the opportunity.

"The whole day, we went to a whole lot of different stores. One last thing that I wanted to do was go see a movie. We were making are way their, laughing and have a good time when this truck comes out of nowhere and crashes into us. It killed my parents instantly and hurt me a little. I bad to spend a while in the hospital, but both the police and the fire department found me holding my parents hands and crying. After the crash, everything was a blurr. But they said that I was trying tp get them to wake up. We were rushed to the hospital, but 10 minutes later, they told me and my grandmother who had been contacted that my parents were dead. I can't remember exactly but my grandmother said later that I didn't even cry. She just said that I went pale and still. That as soon as I heard the news, I shut my mouth and since then haven't said a single thing. My grandmother was understanding during the first month. But when I continued not talking, she just became angry and annoyed. Everyday she would try and get me to talk but after a few days she gave up and just kept to her room.

"Only coming out to clean the house, get groceries and cook. I barely saw her, but I didn't care. I honestly didn't care about anything. Not my grades, not to eat. Nothing. Later on we moved here, where I still didn't care. When I fist stepped into this school, I was prepared for the teasing. After the funeral and I went back to school and hear comme ts like, 'Katie, were you not able to wake the dead?' and stuff like that." I took and breath, looking over and seeing his hands tight on ghe wheel. But I didn't stop.

"So yeah, I was prepared. What I was not prepared for however was making five friends on the first day. Friends who actually mafeme smile and start caring again. People who never pried and tried getting me to talk. It makes me wonder what's gonna happen if I let myself be happy again. So yeah there's my story from my point of view. Just thought you should know." I wiped the tears that had escaped and looked over at him. He seemee lost in thought. Trying to take in all the information in.

I don't know what I was expecting but it was not the words, "Do you want to move in with me?" I sat shocked. "What?" I said a little confused. "Well your grandmother did kick you out, and you are my mate. So do you wanna move in with me? And no I'm not trying to change tge subject. Thank you for telling me your story. And you should talk more often, you sound beautiful."

I blushed. "Sure. I would love to move in with you. But we gotta go back so I can get clothes." I hear him chuckle, "No you don't, I bought you a whole new wardrobe when I was having an extra closet built into my room." I freeze. "Wait, we're sharing a room."

"Princess, you really are crazy if you think I am now letting you out of my sight. You agreed to move in with me, but you are not getting your own room. Your staying with me." I was caught in the emotions of shocked and happiness. "Okay." I looked at him and see him smirk. "Good." He said pulling into the driveway.

I looked out and saw we were already here. Wow, talk about perfect timing I thought. Before getting out and taking Cashton's hand. As soon as I laced my fingers with his, he tightened his grip. Silently promising everything will be okay. Maybe all will be okay, I thought. Who knows?


*Hey peeps, sorry for taking so long updating, I've been a little busy.*

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