Dating a Boyband Cutie (a Louis Tomlinson fanfiction)

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***Hey so this is my first fanfic ever! it may not be great i know, but please don't be really mean but also don't be afraid to give me advice and your own ideas! Also, it's all in Genevieve's POV unless otherwise noted. And the 1st chapter is going to be boring because i have to explan stuff so sorry. so comment, vote, fan, and all that cool stuff :) ***


 "This spring break is going to be the best ever! Dont you agree G?" i heard my best friend Liv  say as we were exiting our school.

"Mhmm." I replied while nodding my head.

"Come on, don't be such a downer it's gonna be great!"

"Easy for you to say..." I mumbled under my breath. All she'll be doing is spending every single minute with her new boyfriend Matt. Of course I'm happy for her, shes my best friend why wouldn't I be? But whatever. I just hope she didn't hear that..

"G we talked about this, I promise I won't be with him every minute. This spring break is all about you and me ok?"

Damn. She heard. "Yeah i know...sorry...look i have to go home and do this report. Text you later"

She sighed. "Ok. Well good luck!"

"Thanks" I replied as I started walking down the street away from the lovely Auburn High School in London; the place that I love, but also hate.

I love school because, call me a nerd, but I actually really love to learn. I guess I get this passion for learning new things from my father, who passed away a couple months ago because of cancer. So now it's just me and mum in our home.

Anyways, I also hate high school. I'm glad I'm a senior this year. My name is Genevieve. Only my best friend Olivia calls me G, and I'm the only one who calls her Liv. Our teachers only call us by our full names because of some stupid policy. I hate the name Genevieve. It's so.....i don't know. It reminds me of my father too much I guess.

And then there's the "popular crowd." Every school has them. I will never be popular as long as I live. I'm just a simple 19 year old (I started school a bit late)  girl with brown hair. I don't have a million friends, I'm not skinny, I'm not a cheerleader, and I'm not a slut; I've actually never even had a boyfriend. I just can't please society I guess...

As I opened the front door, I smelled my mum making the best smelling food ever.

"Hi sweetie. How was school?" She asked nicely

"Same like always - fun but irritating." I replied

"Oh I'm sorry honey. Here, I made your favorite - spaghetti. Eat up!"

"Thanks mum!" Spaghetti was my favorite; my father and I made it a lot together. I ate up very quickly, helpe my mum with the dishes, and then went upstairs to my room to do my report. I opened itunes and clicked shuffle; I can't do anything without listening to music, literally. Music is like my life. And then I started typing away....

I  finished my report and then remembered that I told Liv that I'd text her. As I opened up the internet to twitter, youtube, and my email (the usual) I sent her a text.

Hey i'm sorry for earlier i just felt like i was being replaced by Matt and ik tht would nvr happen. plz 4give i <3 u lotz! xxx

Not even a minte later i got a reply.

That's ok if i were u i i'd prob feel the same way. but just know that u will nvr be replaced. ur my BFF and i love u lotz 2! xxx

I sure hope she wasn't lieing. I replied with a  :D smiley face.

So ur goin to the spring concert 2morro rite?

Crap. I forgot about the spring conert. Every year on the first day of spring break, our school (well, all the wealthy parents of students who go to our school) get a band to come perform on the beach near our school. Why do they do this? I have no idea. But it's basically like a party. And what do I do at parties? Cling to Liv becuase I have nothing else to do. 

Oh. yeah about tht..idk. i nvr rly have any fun..

Come on! pleaseeee!!! who knows? maybe u'll end up finding the love of your life! ;)

LOL ur hilairous Liv. no guy will ever like me, let alone date me but whatever. i g2g ttyl

Never Say Never! Ur going! I'm making u! byee

After reading that text, I put on my cami and sweat pants and crawled into bed with my ipod, hoping to fall asleep to music like I always do. The song Chasing Cars (the One Direction cover on the X Factor of course) came on. These guys are so talented. I'm not a crazy fangirl; I don't stalk them and I don't get their tweets sent to my phone and stuff like that, but they're one of the greatest boybands ever. Of course, my mind pondered back to the thought of the Spring Concert and I fell asleep in minutes.


***I know this isn't the best chapter but it'll get better I promise!! And on the side is 1D singing Chasing Cars! <3  ***

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