Ch. 3 ~ Talking and...stalking?

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***Ok so this chapter should be better...i hope. And by the way...Gen is pronounced just like Jen. Gen is just Jen with a G becuase her names yeah. Enjoy!***


It was Louis Tomlinson. Louis the Tommo Tomlinson. I spilled my drink on Louis Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson called me a “fine lady” Louis the Tommo Tomlinson talked to me. Oh. My. Gosh.

“Are you alright love?” I heard him ask as I partially snapped back into reality.

“Oh yes I'm fine. Sorry about that.”

“That's fine. I'm Louis.” he said.

I stood there like an idiot, then he stuck out his hand.

“Oh yeah hi I know exactly who you are...very...uh..very..talented” I said as I uncomfortably took his hand. Come on you're shaken a hand before. It's just like anyone else's hand. Can I even talk? Come on G get back to reality.

“Well thank you very much. So what's your name babe?”

He called me babe. The Tommo called me babe. Wait, he asked me a question. What was it? Oh yeah, right, my name.

“M-my my name?”

Louis chuckled. “Yes”

I smiled “My names Genevieve.”

“What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl.” He smiled

I felt my cheeks get red, if they weren't red enough before. “Thanks Louis.”

He stared at me and I probably got even redder. Say something you idiot girl! “ you guys did a great job up there.”

“Not really...I screwed up a couple times.” He sounde a bit disappointed.

“Oh. I didn't even notice”

“Oh. You know what? You're different.” I gave him a weird look. Really Louis? He smiled. “A good different. And as you can tell, I'm very different.”

“Yeah I definitely know you're different.” I said.

We both laughed “I like you Gen.”

Gen? Huh, I've never been called that before....

“Yeah. Gen. With a 'G'. I mean Genevieve is such a lovley name.....oh I'm sorry. I should've asked. But since Genevieve is kind of a mouthful, I just thought..” he apologized.

“No, no. That's fine. I've just never been called that before....I like it.”

“Great! Then that'll be your nickname.” he said in an “official” voice

I laughed “Ok Louis. My nickname that can be used by you and only you” I smiled.

"Wonderful. I feel very special now” he replied siling.

I laughed and then realized how close we've gotten during this conversation. He kept leaning closer. And closer. Was Louis the Tommo Tomlinson going to kiss me???

Nope. Guess not. Or maybe he was. I don't know and I never will know because Liv and Matt came and interrupted us. I sighed, of course.

“Hey guys.”

“Hey” Matt said as Liv was staring at Louis like a mental person.

“Hi” Louis said

"You're-you-yuh-yuh-you-you're freaking Louis Tomlinson!!!!! Oh my gosh!! You're amazing!!” Liv exclaimed.

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