Ch. 5 ~ Hating and Comforting

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**A week later**

It's been exactly a week since me and Lou went on our first date. Yes, we have been dating for a week now. This past week has gone by so fast though. Of course Louis is busy with all of the One Direction stuff and I've had some school stuff, but we've been out to eat multiple times, been on walks in the park, and we've even watched the sunset on the beach twice (that was my favorite.) On Wednesday Louis took me to the recording studio, where I got to meet the guy and watch them sing. It was extrodinharry. Here's what I've learned:

Nialler is really sweet. He hugged me as soon as I was introduced to him. Oh, and never take his food. I learned that the hard way...

Zayn always acts like a “Bradford Bad Boy” but really, hes just a good actor. He's obsessed with his hair (Louis tried to touch it, his hand got slapped.)

Liam really is Daddy Direction for sure. For some reason, I feel like I can tell him anything.

And then Hazza. My Boobear's best friend. But Haz told me I can't call Lou BooBear because he reserved that nickname...ok Harry. Anyways, he's the most perverted person one in the band.

All of the guys are SO talented, really hilarious, really immature weirdos. But you gotta love them.

Tonight we're going to Pizza Hut, Lou's favorite. And I don't care if it's not a fancy place, it doesn't take much to please me and as long as I'm with Louis, I am pleased.

He picked me up at 8 exactly, I love how he's never late. He must really not want to let me down...

Dinner was great. We sat at a table right by the window, the city was beautiful when it was lit up at night. But as we were talking about carrots (weird, right?) I thought I saw something right under the window move outside. A bird? But why would birds be out at night. I don't know I'm probably just seeing things.

We got kicked out of the pizza place at 11:00 when they apparently close, we were so lost in conversation that we didn't even keep track of time.

“Why don't I take you back to my flat and we can watch a film?”

“That'd be great Lou” I said smiling

On the way there, Louis was telling me that he had to get away from his house, living with 5 women can get crazy sometimes apparently. Louis and Harry share a flat, and the other 3 boys have one a couple blocks away.

As I walked inside I didn't think that Louis and Harry could possibly be living here. It was beautifully decorated and way too clean for two crazy guys like them to be living here. Louis explained that his mum helped decorate and he was always taught to clean up after himself. Harry was at the bar with Niall, so they probably wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. Liam was with his girlfriend Danielle and Zayn was with Perry, so there shouldn't be any interruptions either. Good.

I sat on the couch and Louis went to go make us some tea. I searched on netflix for a good film to watch, but came up with nothing. We couldn't find a movie that neither me or him have never seen, so we just decided to watch Power Rangers. That show is pretty intense. I guess not too intense because I feel asleep after one episode. I woke up later and looked at the clock, realizing that it was already 1 in the morning.

“Tired?” Louis asked

“Yeah” I yawned. Why was I so tired?

“I figured,” he laughed “You know, you were sleeping quite a while, would you like to just spend the night here?”

I yawned again “Thanks Lou. Hey can I borrow some pants, I really do not feel like sleeping in denim shorts.”

He chuckled. “Of course babe.”

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