Ch. 10 ~ Goodbyes and Promises

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Today went by so fast, I wish it never happened.

“Gen, wake up love. It's 9:00.” he whispered. Louis knew I wasn't much of a morning person, so that's why he was so quiet. But I didn't really mind being awaken by a loud Louis, because that's just who he is.

I rubbed my eyes and then saw Louis staring into them. Today was the day One Direction was leaving for their tour.

“Goodmorning Lou” I stretched my neck to kiss him softly.

He smiled. “We have to leave for the airport in 45 minutes.”

“Okay” I replied, then yawned.

He smiled once more and then went downstairs. I smelled bacon. Delicious. I went into my closet and got out a pair of white shorts and a ruffly pink shirt. I made my hair wavy and put on a tad of makeup. I made my way downstairs.

Harry went to his mum's house last night and will meet us at the airport this morning. Louis made bacon, eggs, and toast for the two of us. I have no clue why, since he's the one who's leaving for two months. I should've made him breakfast. 'Bad girlfriend' I scolded myself in my head.

Louis packed most of his things when I was out with Liv before he went to the studio the other day. Lou told me that his mum, along with Harry's mum, were going to come to the house this week to re-decorate and clean and stuff. I decided that it wasn't my house anyways, and since Lou's not going to be here that I should probably go back to my place. I'll probably spend many nights with Liv, because Matt is going with his family on vacation to Australia for a month. Perfect timing I guess you could say...

Louis helped me get my things together and we our things into his car. He drove me too my house, and I dumped everything on the floor. It'll give me something to do later. We put all of Lou's things into my car, and I drove him to the air port. This way I can give myself a ride home, and most importantly, I can watch them take off at the air port. Watch my boyfriend and his..I mean our..4 best friends fly away...

On the way there, we sang to every single song that came on the radio. This was so much fun, especially when either of us didn't know the words. I would just hum and Louis would make up the most hilairous random words to go to the music. One song, I had no clue of the title, was turned into a song about carrots and pigeons, thanks to Louis.

We eventually arrived at the airport and we got all of Louis's bags out, and gave them to their manager, who would give them to someone to put on the private jet. We walked over to the other boys, and saw Danielle and Perrie. I hugged Zayn and Niall first, saying I'll miss them lots and good luck on tour. I then hugged Harry.

“Bye Haz. I'll miss you lots”

“I'll miss you too Gen...but I'm kind of happy that you'll be away from Louis so then he can finally be all mine.” I laughed at his comment.

“Have fun and don't be too perverted!” I said as we seperated.

“Come on G, we both know that that can not be possible. I laughed again at the cheeky boy. Oh Hazza...

Next was Liam.

“Bye Li” I said as I hugged him tightly. “I'll miss you bro.”

“I'll miss you too sis. Don't be to crazy.” He said, then chuckled.

“I'll try not to be too crazy.”

“If you ever need anything, you know I'll always be there for you right?”

“I know Liam. Thank you so much.”

“No problem. No problem at all.” I squoze him tightly then let go, making my way to the next boy.


We stared into eachothers eyes (I was tearing up) and then ran into his arms. He held me tightly, and we hugged in silence for while. He finally said

“I'll miss you Gen. So much. I promise I'll talk to you every single day, in some way or form. I love you so much.”

I was still tearing up. Stay strong for Louis, don't let him be too worried about you stupid girl. “I love you too Louis. Forever and always.”

“Forever and always.”

We kissed our final kiss until he gets back in two months. It was soft and sweet, just like Louis.

The boys made their way to the jet, turning around to wave before they left. I tried to smile as I waved to Louis, not thinking about the two months we'll be apart.

Shortly after, the jet took off, leaving Danielle, Perrie and I at the airport. We all gave each other hugs and made a date for us 3 to get together some time while the boys were gone.

We would've done something after they boarded, but Perrie had to go record and Danielle had a music video shoot. Two sucessful girls living their dreams, then there was me.

When I got home, I unpacked everything that was at Lou's place since mom left. After that, I did laundry and made myself mac n' cheese for dinner. Around 7:30 I watched tv, since Liv was going to be with Matt the next few days or so.

In the middle of some movie about this girl who wants to be a singer, my phone rang. It was actually Lou wanting to facetime. I hit accept and there he was.

“Hey Lou!”

“HELLLOOOOOO Genevieve!!!!” This reminded me of how I already missed his loudness

I giggled. “So whatcha doin?” I asked

“We just landed love. How are you? What are you doing? Do you need anything?”

I sighed. “Yeah I do need something. You.” I sighed.

“I know this is going to be hard babe. I promise I'll talk to you every chance I get. I promise.”

I smiled at him, trying to hold back the tears.

“Boooobearrrr we have to gooooo!!!!!!!!!” Harry shouted in the background. Oh great.

Louis turned around “One secondddddd!” he yelled. Louis then turned back to me. “I'm sorry babe but I have to go. I'll talk to you soon. I promise. I love youuuuu!!!!!!!!!”

“I love you too Lou” I tried to smile.

He made a kissy noise, which made me laugh, then he was gone. Well that conversation lasted like 30 seconds...

I fell asleep on the couch watching this lame tv movie and hoped that tomorrow, me and Lou will be able to talk more. And I prayed that he would keep his promise.


***I know it's not much, but I felt like I needed to upload. Do you think Louis will keep his promise?Side: Wonderwall and a cute pic of Lou and Eleanor that kinda goes with the chapter <3 ***

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