Ch. 8 ~ Phone Calls and Fun

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I was awaken the next morning by a phone call. Liv. Oh great...

“Hello?” I asnswered. Why was she calling at 8 in the morning?

“Hey G! I saw you on tv! Haha that rhymes!”

“Yeah. Yeah it does Liv. And that's nice. It's 8am don't you have to go spend more 'quality time' with Matt or something?” I yawned.

“Geez someone's in a mood.”

“Well yeah I kinda am considering i'm really tired and you haven't talked to me since you moved in with Matt.” I said in some type of tone.

“I ditched you? Ever since you started dating Louis you've been hanging out with the rich and famous!”

Really? “And who are the rich and famous exactly?”

“Every single guy in One Direction! And Danielle! I'm surprised you're not besties with Justin Bieber! Little miss popular!” She shouted.

“You know damn well that I am not little miss popular. And even if I was I would still be your best friend Liv. But you've changed.” I paused. “But apparently I'm just not good enough for you. I guess Matt's just more important than me.”

“Oh yeah right G. You have better things to do than hang around with me. You've done interviews and been on magazine covers and all over the internet...”

“That doesn't change the fact that you weren't there for me! That you're not a true friend. Do you even know what has happened to me the past few days??”

“No but I'm sure it has something to do with your perfect life...”

“My life is not perfect! I mean I have an amazing boyfriend and stuff but dating Louis is definetly not easy! We're always followed by paps and everywhere we go and try to have fun there's always cameras...and it's not like he's normal like Matt! He's always busy and I'm alone sometimes and my mom left and I'm just...I just feel like I've been abandoned. By you. By Matt. By my mom...” I almost started crying.

“Well that's not my problem. Do what you want it's your life G. Have fun.” She hung up.

What the hell?! Ugggh! I groaned. I turned around to find Louis staring at me.

“Sorry for waking you.” I apologized.

“That's ok.” He whispered. He sat up to kiss my forehead. “Do you really feel like you're abandoned and lonely still?”

“No of course not,” I answered. “I just....I just want my best friends back.”

“I know” he said as he rubbed my bare back. “They'll realize how much they miss you. They'll come around. Don't worry.”

“I hope you're right.” I sighed



“You sigh way too much. You make me feel depressed.”

I laughed “Sorry Lou” I kissed him

We started making out and Harry came in with a pot and a spoon in his hand. He hit the two together and made the loudest noise in the world

“Gooodmorninggggg!!!!!!” He shouted. I then realized that I was only in my bra and underwear still, and Louis threw a sheet on top of me. Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

“Woah there” he winked

I laughed as I got up, wrapped in the sheet. “Well I'm gonna go shower and put some clothes on and make breakfast.”

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