Ch. 15 ~ Early Mornings, Mixed Emotions, and Confusion.

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Hey guys! I'm really really really  sorry for the wait but I've just been really busy/too lazy to write so sorry bout that! Anyways here's the next chapter...enjoy!




***About A Month Later***

Louis' POV

Today's the day. Today's the day where I get to see the love of my life after two months of touring. After two months of barely any contact with her. Today's the day where I can actually apopogize in person, and maybe she'll believe me. Believe me that I love her until the end of time. That I would never cheat on her. Especially with that slut Alyssa.

The last two months have been the hardest of my life. Everyday I'd wake up, hoping that I'd have some kind of communication with her. That didn't happen much. And when it did, it wasn't very good. She kept in contact with the boys though, which was good. I was loads jealous that they got to speak with her, but I was glad she was talking to my mates.

Alyssa is another story. I stayed away from her the best I could. It was always hard though, since she was on tour with us. On a positive note, the paparazzi did not succeed at getting another picture of us that looked like we were in a relationship.

Right now it's about 3 a.m. and the lads and I are packing up our things at the hotel. After this we are going to get breakfast...well not Niall, he already ate. That little leprechaun...I'm sure he's going to eat again though. Zayn is in the bathroom doing his hair of course. Liam and Hazza are sitting on the couch, deep in conversation. Every few minutes, they glance up at me. Usually, I'd let my curiousity get the best of me and ask what the hell they were up to. But not today. Today, I was going to be happy all day because today was the day I've been waiting for since the tour began.

Gen's POV

“No Louis, no don't do this. Please don't. Louis please...I-I...I love you. I never stopped loving you I was just upse-” I begged of him. I tried to run after him, but Liam and Harry had me by my arms. They weren't letting go. Louis turned around to face me, and stopped moving.

“Do you even know what you put me through? I've been dieing on the inside all because you were jealous. Well you know what love, the world doesn't revolve around you-”

“I never said it did!” I screamed, crying now. All that was on my mind was me love for Louis. I want- I needed him.

“Well I guess that's too bad. I gave you everything you could've ever possibly wanted, and you don't even care. You just want to be 'the girl who's dating boyband cutie Louis the Tommo Tomlinson.' And you know what I want? Not you. Not anymore.” Louis said with no emotion. I stood there, being prevented from running up and throwing myself at him, wanting to be in his arms again. I felt the tears stream down my face as I let him slip away from me, just like that...

I instantly woke up from that nightmare, finding myself crying and screaming in my sleep. Why was I doing this? I can't be with Louis. Someone like him – being in a world-famous boyband – can't possibly love a girl like me. As soon as he gets a better offer, that's bye-bye me. I can go through that heartbreak. But after that dream, did he really love me? Because obviously I really loved No I don't. I just love the idea of him being famous...or do I? I'm not that selfish, I love him for him. Right? I think so...

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