Ch. 6 ~ Alone

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***So this chapter is going to be boring. Yeah. So read if you want. Or don't. Whatever. I wrote it anyways. So yeah. enjoy****

***Oh and this chapter isn't PG-13 but wattpad only lets me choose from PG-13 and R now and idk how to change it so yeah***


Louis's POV

Gen looked so peaceful in her sleep. I'm glad she fell asleep, considering all that she's been through today. Tomorrow will be better, I kept reminding myself.

Trying my best not to awake Gen, I got my phone out of my front pocket and went on twitter.

@Louis_Tomlinson As all of you know, I am in love with @LuvGen92. She is so increible and amazing and she makes me happy. Please respect her and stop the hate. xx

Of course, like anything else me or the guys say, became a trend in seconds. Directioners Love Louis and Gen and Stop the Hate were trends. There we go. No more hate. Hopefully. No more bad things.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

I woke up the next morning with out Gen in my arms. I felt very...lonely. I figured she was downstairs making breakfast, so I went to the kitchen, but only to find Hazza.

“Goodmorning Boobear!!!” he yelled.

“Hey Hazza” I said, worriedly searching for a bag of carrots.

“Gen still sleeping?”

“No. I woke up and she was gone. I don't know where she went.” I sighed.

“She probably just went to go see Liv or something, don't worry about it mate.” he said as I got out one of the many bags of carrots I have in the fridge.

“Or..” I trailed off. There was a note on the bag in her handwriting.


Sorry I left but I didn't want to wake you. My mum called and said she needed me to come home because she had to tell me something appearently important. I have no clue what it could be, but I'll talk to you soon. Love U xxx Gen

I smiled as I read the last line. Love you too, I thought. I really do love her, she has this effect on me. Kind of like a love spell I guess you could say. Geez, I really need to stop watching all those chick flicks Hazza makes me watch. I don't mind though. They're actually quite nice...

A few minutes later, my phone rang. The ringtone was Gen and I singing in the car to Faster by Matt Nathanson. I was “secretly” recording her. She has such an amazing voice, too bad she doesn't believe me.

“Is this Terrrrrrance!!!” I answered

She giggled. She's so cute. “Hey Lou. You always know how to cheer me up.”

What? “And why would you need cheering up love?”

“Well, my mom is going to be working in London now...” she sounded really depressed.

“Oh Gen I'm sorry..” Wait. London? “That's almost 150 miles away from Doncaster! What are you going to do you can't just leave!” I know I sound selfish, but I can't lose her. I just can't.

“Well that's the thing, she wanted me to go with her but since there's only a couple of days of school left and my only friends are her, I told her I'm staying her. With you and everybody else.”

Yess! “Thank the Lord!!!” I shouted

She laughed.

“So where will your mum be staying?” I curiously asked.

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