Chapter 2

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"Hey Jack?" I call over to him. We've all been forced to attend a party. I really don't want to be here.

"What's up buddy?" he shouts over the loud music.

"Is it okay if I head off?" I reply not wanting to socialise.

"Beau-" he looks at me seriously. "Do everyone a favour to stop Daniel keeping on and go and talk to some girls."

"But what about Ly-"

"Lydia would want you to move on and be happy." I sigh knowing he's right. 

"I can't just move on though." I admit.

"You can try." then he walks off back to Zoe leaving me alone. I notice the boys all sat with a group of girls.

Taking a deep breath I walk over and slump down next to Daniel. I glance around at the girls, none of them are anywhere near as pretty as Lydia but I have to try. I'm dragging everyone down and I need to stop.

"Hey there." one of the girls smiles at me.

"Hey." I half smile in return.

"I'm Lisa."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Beau."

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" she gives me a wink. No. No I don't.

I feel Daniel nudge me slightly. Ugh.

"Yeah sure." I stand up and follow her towards the exit.

Luke's P.O.V

I sit with Lucy and Elsa away from the boys. I'd rather be with my family than over there. I see Beau talking to a girl and he doesn't look like he wants to be there.

"Why is he talking to her?" Lucy asks clearly watching Beau like I am.

"Because Daniel's been complaining that he's miserable and not making an effort." I frown. My brother has to pretend to be happy just to please Daniel.

"That's stupid. My friends have no problem with me not coming out as much anymore."

"Exactly. You need to remember though that they keep on and on. That's one of the main reasons why I was so horrible towards you."

"I know. But I've forgiven you for that." she tells me pecking my cheek. I smile at her but it's soon turned around when Beau leaves with that girl. Linda? Lucy? No that's my girlfriend. Um, Lisa. I think that's it.

A first class slag. Not that I'm referring to Lucy as one it's just both of their names start with an L.


Me and Lucy left the party early to get Elsa home to sleep. We walk in to find Beau sat on the settee looking as though he's seen a ghost.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asks instantly looking uncomfortable. Beau's emotions are so unpredictable lately and the actions that follow.

"Where's Lisa? I add.

"Something weird happened." he says not making eye contact with us.

"What did?" I crouch in front of him.

"I asked Lisa to be my girlfriend." he groans putting his face in his hands. "I don't want to be but it'll shut Daniel up for a while."

"Right, okay. So why is that weird?"

"That isn't the weird part." his eyes widen slightly as he sits up properly.

"What is then? Spit it out Beau." I'm now getting impatient with my brother.

"We-we had sex-" he pauses to look at me, I raise my eyebrow and wait for him to continue. "-And, well, um, she had seen all the photos in the hall and my room and she saw Lydia."

"The photos of her?" 

"No. She saw Lydia in the doorway of my room." 

"Are you serious?" Lucy butts in walking into the room. "I put Elsa to bed but I brought the monitor so we can keep an eye on her." she adds.

"Yes, of course I'm serious! Would I have sent Lisa home otherwise!" Beau snaps slightly. "Sorry." he says quickly realising he had risen his voice.

The conversation was interrupted by Elsa crying. Lucy and I look at each other.

"Let's leave her for a minute and see if she quiets down." I tell her turning my attention back to Beau. "So-" 


"What now Luce?" I'm also getting agitated.

"Listen." I notice her hand tremble slightly passing the monitor to me.

We all go silent.

I panic slightly hearing what Lucy can. Someone was cooing and humming to Elsa to stop her crying.

"Go!" I shout running towards the stairs. Beau follows behind me and Lucy at the back.

I fling Elsa's door open to find her giggling in her cot. She looks completely untouched. I search the room with Beau whilst Lucy picks her up. 


What the hell is going on?

Beau's P.O.V

This house is now starting to creep me out. How can someone be in here but not be in here? The window was locked.

"Luke, what if her ghost is here?" Now I'm scared.

"Don't be silly. Maybe we've all freaked ourselves out so much we're imagining things. Put her back down to sleep Luce, we'll go back down to the kitchen now." Luke replies and heads to the top of the stairs.

I follow him down while Lucy settles Elsa down.

"How long should I stay with Lisa?" I ask sitting on a stool.

"As long as you want. If you don't actually want a relationship with her then leave it say about a week just long enough to get Daniel and the other lads off your back, if you happen to like her or get feelings for her then stay with her."

"Good idea. Thanks bro. When I talk Jack around to tracking Peter down will you be coming?"

"Of course. I want to see him suffer." he smirks.

"I'm going to talk to him tomorrow. Hopefully he'll come around."

"He will. Just remind him of how Lydia died. I know it'll upset you and him but it should definitely work."

"Yeah it definitely will." Lucy agrees entering the kitchen and taking a seat next to me.

"So I've got to push him until he cracks you mean?"

"Yep. My dad hates bad memories being brought back up, especially when he's involved, so by telling him revenge will take the pain away he will agree. Trust me. If not I'll talk him around." she assures me.

"Thank you."

"Now you two go and get sleep, you both look like crap."

"Okay." I chuckle. "Night." I tell them both and head up to my room.

What Daniel and the rest don't know is that I have been sneaking out. I have been sleeping with girls, I have been drinking loads, it's just nobody notices because I sneak to my room, lock myself away then climb out of the window. Easy and sly. I shouldn't do it but it helps me forget for a while. Sadly by the morning it all comes back.

I wish none of this had ever happened.

A/N Yeah so sorry for another rubbish chapter! I've decided that the big surprise will  be sooner than chapter 10, maybe about 5 or 6! Hopefully you'll like it:)


 Charlie xx

Out To Get Him (Sequel to When Bad Meets Evil - Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now