Chapter 20

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"What do you mean, I can't marry Beau!?" I snap instantly feeling pissed off.

"He's not right for you. I know I've said on loads of occasions I'm happy for you and so on but the truth is I really don't want you two to be together."

"Why have you suddenly decided this?"

"He's still involved with gangs. I don't want you hurt."

"Oh the irony of that last sentence." I scoff shaking my head.

"What irony?" He asks. How dull can one man be?

"You punched me in the face!" I shout forgetting I'm in the hospital. I mentally tell myself off for being so disrespectful.

"I was angry at what you said." He defends himself.

"That's because you can't handle the truth." I tell him feeling furious.

"Lydia I don't give you permission to marry him!"

"You seem to be forgetting that I'm 18. You can't stop me. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've changed for the better because of him. Yes, I know he was Peter's boss but I got over that. Dad, I love him." And then I leave not looking back. He doesn't ask me to stop, he just lets me go.

When I get out Beau is stood down the hall leant against the wall. I walk straight past him grabbing his wrist. I drag him for a minute until it registers that we're walking, then he picks up his pace.

"What happened?" He asks curiously.

"Oh he doesn't want me to marry you, the usual." I say rolling my eyes.

"And what did you say?"

"Overall I said I was going to marry you because I love you." I smile and his expression soon matches mine.

"I suppose I love you too." He chuckles knowing fully well I'm annoyed and he's pushing my buttons. I shove him playfully which escalates his chuckle into a laugh.


*Almost a month later*

"Are you excited?" Lucy asks me. The fact is I'm getting married tomorrow and the thought petrifies me.

"I'm feeling so nervous. What if the dress doesn't fit or something really bad happens?"

"It'll be amazing trust me..Have you spoken to dad?"

"Not since the hospital." I say sadly. I miss him. I know what he did was wrong but he is my dad after all. My only parent.

"That's a shame." She replies looking at Elsa who's finally started to walk. Just in time.

"She's going to look so cute in her flower girl dress."

"She will. Tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life." She reminds me. I nod smiling.

The boys have kidnapped Beau so he doesn't see me or vice versa before the wedding. I get bad luck anyway so I doubt it'd make a difference.

I stare at my dress which is hung up safely in the spare room. My shoes etc are with it, all I have to do tomorrow is have my make up and hair done as well as the bridesmaids.

The venue is still being kept a secret so only time will tell. Hopefully it's somewhere nice, preferably not a church. I'm not a religious person to be fair.

Lucy, Tana and Ella know which is frustrating me. I can't handle the anxiety!

"Have you written your speech?" Ella asks me. Shit. I knew I forgot something.

"I'm just going to wing it. I'm not good at putting pen to paper when I'm on about my feelings. I'll just make it up as I go along."

"Remember they have to be positive things." Tana adds.

"Oh yeah, I know that." I laugh lightly.

The doorbell goes attracting all of our attentions.

"Chinese is here!" Lucy shouts running towards the door. "Thanks. Bye!" I hear her say then she returns to the living room with three bags full of Chinese.

"Okay, I definitely won't fit in my dress now." I joke staring at all the food.

After eating we have a few drinks and watch films. I didn't want a hen party. It isn't worth the hangover. I'll go out after the wedding day.

Beau's P.O.V

The boys all hand out beers. I gladly accept.

"Ready, cheers to Beau! His final night of freedom!" Jai says loudly and dramatically.

"To Beau." The rest say in unison.

I couldn't be happier with the way my life is going. I have a few surprises up my sleeve for Lydia. I just hope she likes them.

"Have another Beau!" Daniel urges.

"I've had enough thanks mate. Lydia will kill me if I'm hungover."

"Point taken. I'll drink yours." He shrugs grabbing another can.

"Hey Beau, who's walking Lydia up the aisle?" Luke asks, curiosity clear in his tone.

"Nobody." I tell him and everyone's mouths drop open.

"Aw bless her." Jai pouts.

"It'll be fine." I promise although I don't really know myself.

I'm nervous for tomorrow but so excited. My family are coming over especially for the wedding, Lydia will become Mrs Brooks and so many other things.

Never did I think I'd get married. Or even settle down for that matter. She really has changed me.

Tomorrow will be the best day of my life. I can't wait. No one will ruin tomorrow and that's a promise. Lydia and Lucy both haven't had the best life and I want this day to be special for those two.

My family are the most important people to me.

Once we're married the whole gang business will stop because I don't want Lydia or her family hurt in any way, shape or form.

My suit is hanging up ready for the morning. I hope Lydia loves where I've chosen.

I didn't choose a church because neither of us are really religious. It'll be a nice surprise since I over heard her saying she'd maybe like to get married there.

That's her first surprise, there are a few more to come.

Because I couldn't pick, both Luke and Jai are my best men. I've got James to dj and Daniel is helping. It's going to be great.

Roll on tomorrow. I hope Lydia is just as excited as I am.

A/N so this was a filler before the wedding:) it's rubbish I'm sorry and there may be mistakes.. my next chapter will be my final chapter of the sequel:( thank you all so much for reading both when bad meets evil and this one! It really means a lot to me. Please vote and comment! Charlie xx

Out To Get Him (Sequel to When Bad Meets Evil - Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now