Chapter 9

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"What the fuck just happened?" I yell at my dad as I climb out of the car.

"Like I said, a deal is a deal."

"So you let him take your wife!? Your children's mother and Elsa's grandmother!? What the hell is wrong with you!"

"Peter told me he'd leave us alone on one condition, that was that he could have your mum and they'd be together." He states acting as though he couldn't care less. Jerk.

"I suppose you're going home now then?" I accuse. I feel my hands shaking with anger.

"Yep. All sorted." He smiles walking towards the car.

"Bye then." I say heading towards the building.

"You're coming too."

"No, I'm going to get my mum back." My jaw tenses.

"I'm going too." Lucy adds shaking her head in disbelief at our dad's actions. At least she's not acting like a child.

"You are both coming home with me and the boys!" He shouts but to his surprise all of the boys stand next to me and Lucy most crossing their arms. They've picked the right side to be fair.

"Remember what you always taught us Jack-" Beau starts.

"Nobody gets left behind." Luke finishes with a nod of approval from everyone.

"I hope you all get killed. It'll be your own faults." He growls getting into his car and driving off. That was uncalled for.

"Um, what just happened?" Daniel frowns.

"I really don't know." I reply shocked. I quickly go back inside, Ella and James look at me with pity in their eyes. I weakly smile before going to see a few of the others. "Carlos, Logan, can you track Peter?" I ask as they start typing away on their computers.

"He's heading south, towards Melbourne again. It'll take him hours to get there though but it doesn't look as though he's catching a plane."

"I doubt he would, he's got my mum being held against her will, she'd scream for help."

"I'm so sorry." Carlos says looking from me, back to his computer.

"I'll be fine, we just need to get her back."

"Agreed." They both say in unison.


I stand in front of everyone, they all sit patiently waiting for me to start. I haven't done a meeting like this in ages, I'm used to being on the sideline nowadays.

"Okay, hey guys. So, as you know Peter now has me and Lucy's mum. We have Carlos and Logan constantly tracking Peter so we know his position 24/7. I'm counting on you all now, some I've known for years, some I've known for 5 minutes but there is one thing I know, there is always a traitor. If I find out anyone has been helping Peter I'm not going to be as nice as I used to be." I warn taking in everyone's facial expressions and body language. I see discomfort and understanding.

"When do we leave?" Jai asks looking ready to go.

"Now. If anyone doesn't want to come please feel free to stay here or go home. We're already an hour or so behind him so we need to get moving. He thinks he's in love with my mum and vice versa so it worries me that he'll do something stupid so they're always together." I admit honestly.

"Let's go then." Beau smiles and everyone gets up to go to the cars.

"You're coming in my car!" I tell Beau dragging him off in a different direction. I open a garage door to reveal a two seater blue Maserati sports car. His mouth drops instantly and a smirk plays on my lips. "Nice right!"

"It's sick! Can I drive?" He exclaims.

"Maybe when we drive home home, I'll see how good my mood is." I wink climbing into the drivers seat. He sighs but hops into the passengers seat. I start the engine which makes a loud roar. I smile to myself. I had enough money when I got out of hospital to buy it so I didn't hesitate. It's my baby. It was going to be my ride home eventually.

"Everyone's gone without us." Beau pouts looking at the empty parking spaces ahead of us.

"We'll catch up in no time." And I'm not lying either.

I gently push the accelerator and the car takes off smoothly. Within five minutes we have caught up with everyone, I speed ahead so I'm at the front. I don't know why they left without me considering I'm the only one who knows where we're actually going.

"Your driving has improved." Beau comments.

"Thanks. Maybe I'll buy you one for Christmas for all these compliments."

"Very funny."

"I'm being deadly serious babe. Whatever car you want."

"Last time we were in a car together you promised me things then I lost you." I feel the cheerful-ish atmosphere disappear. Well done Beau.

"It won't happen this time. We'll do this together." I promise driving through the empty, bendy lanes. Unless we catch up to Peter soon this is going to be a long drive to Melbourne.

I look in my rear view mirror to see everyone keeping separate distances but no one is left behind or lost. Not that I know of anyway.

My phone rings but luckily it's connected to my car. I hit a button accepting the call.

"Lydia, it's Logan."

"What's up?" I reply keeping my eyes on the road.

"Peter has stopped in Sydney. I'm sending you the location etc now. It'll come through on your sat nav shortly."

"Thank you. Can you copy and program them into everyone else's too please?"

"Of course. Speak to you later. Good luck."

"Thank you. I don't need luck. Just a gun." I say smoothly and put my foot down completely flooring it.

Logan ends the call and hopefully gets to work. I notice Beau constantly texting in the corner of my eye.

"Warning Peter are you?" oops.

"What? No, I was just texting, um, never mind." And that's when I slam my breaks on. All the cars behind me instantly react and some skid slightly. Both of us jolt forward then forcefully fling backwards hitting our seats. Thank god for seatbelts or that would've done some damage.

"Who are you texting Beau?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"N-no one." He stutters looking petrified. If it's a girl I will murder him.

"You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me. 5, 4, 3-"

"Okay okay! I was texting Will." He sighs.

"Who the hell is Will?"

"He was one of my old gang members with Peter. He works for him now and he has been texting me telling me what they're doing and things."

"So he's the traitor of their gang."

"Yep, he sure is. He hates Peter but you know, the money's good."

"Hm, I bet. I wonder who's going to be the traitor of ours. It might even be me."

A/N another rubbish update I'm so sorry:( Please vote&comment! Charlie xx

Out To Get Him (Sequel to When Bad Meets Evil - Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now