Chapter 14

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"Wait." I say. I feel everyone's confused eyes on me. I clear my throat before continuing. "I just need to know one thing. Why did you kill her?" I swallow the lump in my throat.

Yes, she wanted me dead but she was my mum. I cared about her. Shame the feelings weren't mutual.

Beau lowers his arm again as I wait for the reply. I see him take the safety off in the corner of my eye.

"If I couldn't have her then no one could. I knew you'd catch up with us eventually, well not you. I was actually convinced you were dead and I'd imagined you but I was wrong. This isn't a pleasant surprise Lydia Mason. I'm amazed at the fact you're still alive." he frowns.

"I had help. Some gang were coming to set you up for a murder but instead they saved me. Anyway let's get back to the present tense. Lucky for you, you won't have to see me or anyone else ever again." and that's when Peter's life is taken from him. A loud gunshot echoes around the room and he drops to the floor.

His body becomes surrounded by a pool of blood. I cringe slightly at the sight but at last, he's dead. It's what we all wanted at it has finally happened.

I stare down at him, I stay frozen on the spot. A warm hand touches the small of my back. 

"Let's go." Beau whispers in my ear.

"What about him?"

"His gang will sort it out. They were secretly rebelling against him."

"Okay. Drag me." I say. My eyes still haven't moved from the dead body.


"I can't move, I can't look away." without any warning my feet leave the floor and I'm being carried bridal style by Beau.

"I got you covered." he smiles weakly.


"Now that Peter is gone we'll be returning home tomorrow." my dad announces. 

"What about James? And Ella." I pout. "I'm not leaving without them."

"They can come with us." he suggests. I turn to face them both. My eyes are full of hope but as soon as I make eye contact their faces drop. My face mirrors theirs as an awkward silence follows.

"Of course we're coming silly!" Ella laughs and James grins. Thank god.

"I hate you both, why would you do that to me?" I say sadly but in a joking manner.

"You know you're having a good day when you trick Lydia Mason." they continue mocking me. I narrow my eyes walking dramatically away.

"So what now then dad?" I ask seeing him stood alone by the window.

"Huh? What?"

"I said, what now? I mean, Peter's gone and so's mum. Where does that leave the rest of us?"

"I suppose we'll have to get back to work." he smiles warmly. It's been a long time since I've seen that genuine smile.

"I guess we will." I smile back giving him a hug. "It'll get better dad, I promise."

 "I know. I just hope for their sakes Beau and Luke look after you and your sister or so help me I'll kill them."

"We'll be fine. All of us." I reassure him.

"I married her." he says randomly.


"Your mum. She said the same vows as I did knowing she didn't love me. She made promises that she never intended to keep. I fought for her and all along it was lies."

"Forget about it dad. Move on."

"You say it as though it's the easiest thing in the world."

"She didn't deserve you, you do know that don't you?" I hate seeing him beat himself up.

He scoffs, "Didn't deserve me? Jack Mason, a gang leader. A man who's job it is to kill or send people to kill others. Yeah I was well worth it." he snaps. I roll my eyes at him as he storms off out the front door.

"What's up with him?" Lucy asks walking over with Elsa asleep in her arms.

"Leave him, he's being a drama queen as per usual." I sigh. "I'm going to get my stuff ready for us to leave." I disappear into my room grabbing my bags ready. 

We get dropped off at the airport and fly home. I look around relieved at the familiar town. It's good to be home again.

My dad hasn't spoken to me since earlier but I don't know why. He has spoken to the boys, Ella and Lucy.

I sit awkwardly in the corner whilst everyone talks to my dad.

"Why are you sat over here for?" James asks me sitting on the arm of my chair.

"My dad is being off with me so I'd rather stay over here out of the way."

"Ignore him, I would." I quietly laugh at his reply. I follow him to stand by Beau who wraps his arm around my waist.

"What's up beautiful?" he pecks my cheek.

"My dad is acting weird towards me. Like he's angry."

"Ask him." he suggests. I wait until everyone has finished talking then I follow after my dad who's heading to his office.

Beau's P.O.V

I hang back whilst Lydia follows Jack upstairs to his office. Once they're out of sight I slowly climb up the stairs. A creak alerts me and I turn around to see everyon else following me.

I place my finger on my lips indicating them all to be quiet.

We crowd the door but bend down so there's slightly more space. I place my ear against it listening carefully.

"Dad, have I done something wrong?" Lydia's voice sounds off, maybe a bit nervous. He ignores her from what I can establish as a silence follows her question. "Dad?" he still doesn't reply and I notice Lydia's breathing get louder. "DAD!" she almost shouts.

"What!? What Lydia!?" he yells and I hear him get to his feet with a lot of force and anger.

"Why are you being like this towards me!?" her voice raises and she sounds hurt.

"Because you are the reason your mum is dead!"

"How the hell am I the reason!?"

"Because you didn't die. You survived, insisted on saving her and then she died! "

"You need to stop being so bipolar about this! You hated mum for "letting me die" and now you hate me because she's dead! Who the hell did you wish Peter had killed dad? Be honest." I notice her voice break at the end. She's upset and now I'm pissed off.

"I wish Peter had killed you!"

A/N I'm sorry it was rubbish i know! Can I just say #GotCake was the best night of my life! I've never had so much fun, Luke waved at me when he was on stage, James smiled at me and Jremy, Mazzi Maz and Blush spoke to me etc:) Vote&Comment! Sorry for any mistakes! Charlie xx

Out To Get Him (Sequel to When Bad Meets Evil - Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now