Chapter 3

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I wake up to find the house full of boys. Some of them I've never seen before. The girls must all be in heaven right now.

"Nice to see you finally awake Beau." Daniel mutters as I stand next to him. Everyone has their eyes on Jack.

"We have a job to do today, everyone needs a bullet proof vest, loaded guns and so on. You're all dismissed, we'll meet back here in 30 minutes." he explains and everyone darts off in different directions to get ready. Ever since Lydia passed he's made sure we're all fully equipped and are as safe as we can be.

"Jack can I have a word?" I ask approaching him warily.

"Sure Beau but it has to be quick." 

"It's about going after Peter-"

"I don't have time for stupid ideas and things, I will go after him when I am ready now go and get ready." he snaps startling me slightly. I nod and walk away. I catch eye contact with Luke and Lucy who simply shrug at what just happened.


Half an hour on and everyone is ready to go. The street is full of unfamiliar cars which they have driven in. They're all black, obviously. Most have blacked out windows too.

I climb into my car ready to go until the passenger door flies open and someone climbs in. I turn my head to see Lisa. Oh for goodness sake.

"Lisa, please get out! I have a job to get too." I frown at her as she plays with her hair. 

"Kiss me then I will get out." she giggles stupidly making my temper shorten.

"Get out or you're dumped. How about that?" I growl. She looks taken aback by my reply but climbs out.

"I-I'll call or um, text you later." she stutters closing the door and walking off. Jack gives me a nod then we all take off down the road.

We drive past the cemetery where Lydia's buried. I'll probably go there later on after the job, it is on the way back. If not tomorrow I definitely will.

After about an hour worth of driving we pull up outside a normal looking house. We all walk in and a middle aged man is sat smiling at us. Creepy.

"Hello." he greets as we all fill the room looking completely clueless.

"Hi. I thought someone was coming here to have you at gun point?" Jack says looking completely unimpressed.

"I'm Ben. I have some news for you all." he smiles.

"What news?" 

"Peter Jenkins was here exactly two hours ago." I tense up at the name and I look around to see everyone else has.

"Why are you telling us this?"

"I wanted to let you know that's all, face to face. I just didn't want to waste petrol driving to you." he smirks.

"Where is he headed?" I butt in not worrying about what Jack has to say. I feel his eyes on me as well as everyone elses.

"Who knows. He wouldn't tell me. Said it's classified. I do know that he isn't finished with you lot yet. He will return." how dramatic.

"Thank you. We are going now." Jack speaks loudly and we all start to leave.

I saw something in Jack's eyes that said he was eager to find Peter but he's trying to hide it and stop himself so he can be with his family.

I don't know what else I can do, I'll have to get Lucy to have a word with him.


We arrive home and I quickly rush after Luke who's heading to his room. I expect looking at the time it's Elsa's nap time until she has her feed later on.

"Luce-" I say hesitantly. She looks up at me and smiles. Luke gives me a nod of encouragement.

"Yes Beau?"

"I couldn't get through to your dad earlier, he wanted none of it. Please could you try."

"I won't try. He will agree to catching Peter. No way is that man getting away with murdering my twin sister." she spits angrily. I chuckle quietly at her reaction and Luke just shakes his head in disbelief. Lucy definitely has Lydia's temper.

"Thank you. Let me know how it goes." I tell her then head off to my room. Whenever I seem to be in a room with everyone there's a tension and not many people talk. I can't be bothered for that so I stay upstairs or go out.

I look at my phone to see 1 text message. I unlock my phone to find it's her. Ugh.

Lisa: Hey Babe, can I come over tonight, I'm bored and wanna see you xx

Me: Yeah sure why not. Come over whenever you're ready.

I don't put any kisses, I only did that for Lydia because she used to tell me off for not doing so. Those are the days I miss.

A knock at the door echoes through the house, I hear some mumbling then heels clanking up the stairs. Kill me now.

My door opens and there she is, my fake looking girlfriend. Her hair is curled like Goldilocks but obviously her blonde hair is fake, she's bright orange with make up on top and well, I would say she has a dress on but it's more like a t shirt with heels. I cringe at the sight before me. What have I let myself in for?

She lies across my bed then starts talking, only she doesn't stop.

Lucy's P.O.V

I leave Elsa with Luke whilst I go and talk to my dad. As I exit my room I hear Beau's new girlfriend talking on and on and on. I roll my eyes towards his room in the hope she'd eventually notice how irritable she is and shut up.

"Dad, I need a word." I tell him walking into his office.

"Yeah sure sweety, what's up?" knowing how much he cares for me and Lydia, I can soon blackmail him, kind of into catching Peter.

"I've been feeling really down lately." I sigh dramatically slumping down in the seat opposite him.

"I think we all have."

"I feel that if you were to hear Beau out, know what his plans are then potentially go after Peter we'd all feel better! And Luke told me what that man said today, he's coming back! We need to stop him dad! He could hurt mum, Elsa, me! Do you really want to lose anyone else?"

"No. No I don't. Tell him I'll speak with him tomorrow morning." he finally gives in and I feel proud of myself for talking him around. He's normally very stubborn.

"Okay. Thank you dad." I leave the room. I quickly pop into Beau's room and update him. He doesn't seem bothered but that might be because she is there.

After I go back to my room I check my phone to find a text off Beau. It simply says, "Thank you.".

I can't wait until all of this is over. I will happily finish Peter off if no one else will.

A/N the big surprise is almost here! Two-three more chapters!! Vote and Comment! Charlie xx 

Out To Get Him (Sequel to When Bad Meets Evil - Janoskians Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now