Chapter one ✨

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I have just now officially packed up everything up at my house to move. I have lived with my aunt the past year in Florida Because my mom has been busy traveling back in forth between states so she decided to move to L.A for a while and wait till I finish my sophomore year in high school to move with her.

I know leaving all my friends here is gonna be hard, but I'll love to actually spend time with my mom before I go off to college or before she gets a new job in a new state.


As I take the last a few suits cases down stairs I say goodbye to my two best friends Maddison and journey

Journey- I gonna miss you so much baby girl make sure you texts me everyday and tell me how the Cali life is going for you

Maddison- same here *smiles and comes in for a group hug

We all just stand there hugging for a couple minutes or so until my aunt said we had to leave

Liza- I love you guys so much and don't worry I'll be back for the summer

Why does summer have to be so far a way

As I am getting in to the car I see Maddison and Journey waving to me with teary eyes, I look back at them with my teary eyes and drive off to the airport.

//time lapse//

We arrive at the airport, sitting and waiting for the people say it ready to board. My aunt and I sit together and talk as much as we can before they can say anything

Aunt joe- your friends say they're gonna miss you but know i'll miss you the most.

I giggle at the comment she made

Liza-I know you will. I will for sure miss you the most, but don't tell them that

we both quietly laugh

Aunt joe- I love you so much Elizabeth and I hope California treats you right.

Liza- i love you too and I will-

I get cut off before i was able to finish my sentence. the people over the intercom were saying that it was time to get on the board .My aunt and I hug and say our goodbyes. She watches me as i walk through the door to the plane.

// time lapse//

Once I enter the main area of the airport I see a sign with my name on it with some tall man holding it. As I get closer he talks to me.

Man- are you Elizabeth hertzler ?

Liza- Yes but my last name is koshy and I prefer Liza

I say trying not to sound controlling . He smiles at me then leads me to a black car in front of the door. The man opens the door for me and gives me a smile as he shuts the door leaving me alone in the car. Once I get in and look around in the back seat trying to see my surroundings. He gets up front and starts driving.

As we go through this comfortable silence he breaks it
Man- by the way my name is bryan I'm your mothers chauffeur.
Liza- oh ...well nice to meet you bryan
I say smiling realizing he can't see me so I go back to my bored expression

//time lapse//

We arrive at the house and it is big as hell

She must be selling drugs or something As well pull up bryan lets me out of the car then walks with me to the front door

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She must be selling drugs or something
As well pull up bryan lets me out of the car then walks with me to the front door. He opens it and the first thing I see is the living room.

I turn the other way to see the rest of the room, As I'm turning jaw dropped I see my mom with a huge smile

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I turn the other way to see the rest of the room, As I'm turning jaw dropped I see my mom with a huge smile

Michelle-Liza, sweetheart how are you I've missed you

she motions me to give her a hug. I walk over and give her a bear hug. I was truly happy to see my mom. Enjoying our moment she gets a call and immediately let's go she looks at her phone and rolls her eyes

Michelle- one second

she says as she rolls her eyes

She tells me to go up stairs and explore to find my room. As I go up stair I end up finding what i assumed to be my room after 30 seconds.

 As I go up stair I end up finding what i assumed to be my room after 30 seconds

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"I could live up here forever" i say as I am still in aw. i go to set my bags down and feel my phone vibrating. I get it out of my back pocket then look at the caller iD to see it's journey

// FaceTime //

journey- hey boo, you get to your moms ok?

Liza- yeah and I gotta tell you... this place is big

I flip the camera and show her my room

Journey-Damn boo you got my whole house right there

We both laugh and talk for a little longer, I then hear my mom call my name from down stairs. We say our good byes and hang up. I make my way back downstairs to see my mom in the living room.

Michelle- hey, tomorrow i'm gonna have you meet with my friends daughter to show you around your new school

I say still standing on the stairs

Michelle- I think you'll like her, she seems like your type

She says as I set down next to her on the huge comfortable couch

Liza- I'm gay now?

We both laugh and continue watching the Kardashian's on the tv.

Bye shistar and brothers

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