Chapter 21 ✨

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I wake up in the morning and look at Liza she looks so peaceful sitting there with her perfect body and her hair flops on to the pillow. She rolls slightly on to her side. She looks at me and smiles

D- goodmorning babe

L- hey dobrik

She says sitting up and kisses me lightly

D- why am I the only one with pet names for you

I say as we pull apart away

L- dobrik is a great pet name

She argues playfully

D- mmmm

L- fine I'll call you daddy

I looked at her shocked and she laughs

L- gotta pee

She gets up and she still is only wearing a shirt. I tilt my head and look at her from the back until I get intruded by a voice

L- don't look to hard dobrik there's
nothing much to see

She laughs and shuts the door. I get over in to my phone and scroll through snapchat and instagram.

Liza comes out if the bathroom and looks at me with a smile

L- so

She says with suspense jumping on the bed

D- so what?

I questioned

L- how do you feel not being a virgin anymore

D- shut up you ass

I hit her playfully in her arm

L- answer my question dobrik

D- fine you want a honest opinion I feel amazing because I did it with the person I lo- I feel comfortable with.


L- what was that

D- nothing

L- mmmk I think I heard you-

D-can we just get food

I cut her off

L- sure... wanna postmate something

D- sure

She went back to sleep and I went to order food from iHop


I honestly don't know what's up today I just really wanna fuck around. The door bell rings, David races me towards the door because he didn't want people to see me in the outfit which is hella reveling. I beat him to it and open the door before David can pull me back.
(Delivery person~ dp)

DP- here you goooo

The guys says dragging out the O's on go as he looks at me. I smile as I take the food. He dropped the receipt. I was about to bend over and pick it until David gets to me pulling me slightly back by my waist knowing my shirt would fall open from the top

D- I'll get that for you babe

I stand up and smile at the delivery guy. He gives me a smirk then David stands up and kisses my cheek

D- thanks for getting the food babe

He says as he shuts the door on the guy acting like he was never there. When the door was completely shut David turns looking kinda pissed

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