Chapter 4 ✨

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I hear my alarm go off. I just wanna shoot it with a gun and set it on fire

To Violent?

I finally get out of bed and read 6:00 on my clock


I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I honestly love showers. The hot steaming water running down your body. I just love it. i step out of the shower and reach for my phone that was on the other side of the other sink.

Text conversation

good morning beautiful ☺️


how was your rest

who are you exactly ?

oh yeah,
this is David

how did you get my number?

I have my ways ...


David-ok it was Kristen I ask for it

ok 😂

you want me to pick you up 😉

sure I guess how about 30mins ?

okay see you later beautiful 😉💗

End of text conversation

I decided to actually get dress. i put on a short white crop trip with some nice fitting jeans that make my bed look good.i did my natural make up and let my hair down. I go down stairs then head to the couch to wait. Before I reach the couch I hear the door bell ring I run to the door but my mom beats me to it

Jesus Christ

Michelle- hello young man you are ...

david- David . David Dobrik

He takes his hand out to shake her and
she accepted

Liza- hey David

I say smiling walking towards him

I can tell he was trying to keep his eyes up and not down

Liza- well bye mom see you later

i say leaving the house with david in front of me

I wave goodbye and she waves back she shuts the front door and as soon as she does David stops me half way in the yard. He steps in front of me and looks up and down for a couple of seconds

Liza- take a picture it will last longer

He starts to take out his phone and I laugh at him

Liza- I was kidding dobrik. Don't take it to serious

I laugh again when he kept on looking ,I grab his hand and turn him around

Liza- come on david I don't wanna be standing here all day

He finally moves and gets in the car

//times lapse//

We talk for awhile in the car on our way to school. The comfortable silence begins and we just look out on the road and just sit. The silence would happen on and off through out the car ride because we live clear across town but this is the closest school From where I live.

He puts his hand on my thigh and rubs it back and forth I didn't tell him to stop because I honestly I really enjoyed it and don't wanna mess up anything and make it awkward.

We arrive at school with his hand still on me I look at him and smile he gets out of his car and comes to my side. He opens the door for me and take my hand when I get out of the car he is still holding it as we walk to our friends.

We walk into the build and he is STILL HOLDING MY HAND !!!!
We come up to Kristen Gabbie and alex then he lets go of my hand. I don't give a look or mention it because maybe he was trying to be nice or Maybe he likes Gabbie or ALEX.

David- hey guys

all three - hey

Kristen- don't we get out early because of pep rally?

Alex- yeah this school is kinda wacky we only go to school for an hour than leave

his says turning towards with a softy smile

Gabbie- there is a party at Todd's house this Friday y'all down

Alex- duh

Kristen- Scotty and I are going and we already know about the rest how about you Liza

Liza- I don't know I'm not a party person

I am i just don't wanna fuck up how my life is right now.
i think for a money about my last school yeah and i get caught drifting if by kristen

Kristen- Liza...Liza...LIZA !

Liza- uh... what, sorry I was just zoned out

Kristen- I could tell

She laughed a little

liza- yeah i'll go

the all shake there heads and walk into the building

The bell finally rang and as I was walking a got a tap on my shoulder I looked at who it was and i see david behind me, he was smiling and pulled me to the side of the hall where no one was. It was more like a dark corner hidden in the back.

Liza- David it's my first day and I don't wanna be late I'm not trying to be ru-

I got cut off by him pulling me away down the hall he pulls me into the janitor closet and locks it he turn back and looks at me and pins me against the wall and kisses me. I stay in the same position and let him kiss me. I pull away after about 5 seconds and look at him.

Liza- so uh...

David- I'm sorry I just thought that you were pretty and I couldn't hold it in anymore

I let out a laugh and stand there awkwardly not knowing whether to leave or to stay. I really enjoy it i just don't know how to feel about it.

David- Sorry i'll just leave

he says putting hand in the doorknob. I grab his arm and spin him around and kiss him on his lips. He picked me up and put my legs around his waist. we just stood their for a while kissing once again. he set me back down after about 3 mins. I look at David's face. It looks like he just saw someone say that they were gonna shoot him or something

Liza- what's wrong

David- I uh ... I uh have ...

Byeee my dudes

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