Chapter 11 ✨

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Liza POV
( maybe triggering ⚠️)
L- okay...
I take a deep breath.
L- when I was 14 I had this boyfriend named Jackson. He was my first boyfriend and he was 17 but I was young and stupid that i thought if I had a older boyfriend I was cooler. Anyways he would go to play football and I would always go to his practices. And afterwords we would just make out and stuff.

I look at him and smile a little

L- sorry I know you didn't want to hear that.

D- it's okay continue.

L- okay... so one of the practice I went to he was promoted to quarter back and was super excited. We got back to his house and just decided to watch a movie. He wanted to go back up to his room and of course I agreed. We went up to his room and pushed me on his bed. We started to make out and stuff but than he was taking off mine and his clothes. I told him to stop but...he didn't. He continued and forced me to.

I stopped talking and saw a tear fall from my face. I think about reliving what happened and how I screamed for help but know one cared and how many time I tried to leave but I couldn't, he would just hit and push me back down.

L- he would...

D- it's okay

He say and puts his arm around me. The minute he does I turn to cry in his arm. He hugs me tight and I just let out. He one of the only people that knew and now I can finally let it out.

L- I had scratches and bruises on me for years.

Be let go and looked at me.

D- years?

L- I would keep going back to him because me dad loved him and thought he was good for did I.

D- why didn't you tell him?

L- I did and when I told him what happened he would call me a selfish whore and I wasn't thankful for such a good boyfriend. Ever since then I would have hook ups and only date people who would do me wrong because I thought that was a normal relationship. I never thought a relationship was real if you didn't get hurt.

He hugged me again. This felt so good to let out to someone who actually cares about me and about my feelings.

//DAVID POV//(Later)
Liza spills her heart out to me and I want her to feel safe and like I would never let anything happen to her even if we aren't dating. But honestly I love her to much to see her with another guy I only want me and her forever.

We are laying and cuddling on her bed she strokes my hair and i kiss her forehead and she smiles. She soon stops and and see her eyes closed and I feel satisfied when I see she is turned away from the evil for one night

I look at Liza the minute I wake up and smile at how gracious she is. Then look at my phone to see the time


I wanted to go to sleep but I had to many thoughts rolling in my head about Liza . Liza starts to wake up and I smile at her then she smiles back

I wake up and I see David smiling at me as a flip over I smile back and he kisses my head. I start to sit up and David Just stares at me

L- David what are you looking at

I say confused with a rasp in my voice.he catches what he is doing and moved his head up fast

D-huh?.. oh nothing nothing it's just um...

he looks embarrassed

L-well keep your eyes up here lover boy

I laugh a little realizing I'm not wearing a bra

L-you want me to put something on ?

D-I mean whatever you want to do

He gives me a smirk

L-I think I'm gonna stay like this for a while because I really don't give a fuck about what you see or wanna see

He gives a confused look until I sit on his lap and looks at me then sits up all the way.

D-well I'm kinda dig'n this look babe

Babe? only Gabbie calls me babe

L-get use to it

He looks at me and bites his lip and then kisses me I can feel you know coming to him because he try's to adjust me so I'm not Sitting on it but I don't budge. I sit still and break away from out kiss go to the bathroom

L-be right back

D-okay take your time

I laugh a little and shut the door

It's only seven so think I'm good for awhile to get ready for school so I decided to tease David. I walk into the room topples with him facing the other way on his phone. I go up and whisper in his ear

L-hey davey

D-hey Liz-

He turn and see my back with nothing (I was laying on my stomach )

D- wh-what are you doing Liza

He stutters but I can see he's turned on

L- wh-why do you keep stuttering David

I say and mimic him. He smiles and kisses my back. I turn towards him and lay on top of him just cuddling. I see it's time for me to get up and get ready

L-alright I'll get ready then we can go
David smiles and hold me down for a second

D-want me to turn away when you get up ?

He says with a smirk

L-I know you wouldn't want to but I am going to the bathroom you pervert

I say with a smile
Bye children

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