Chapter 6✨

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I walk into my house and immediately head to the kitchen to find a snack. As i'm walking in to the kitchen i feel my phone vibrate. I look at the ID and it was kristen

Text conversation

hey baby girl

hey girl ❤️

are you going to Todd's party
tonight because I really
think you should

ahhh...parties can make you popular
but the biggest loser

I looked at the time and it was 3:15 the party started at 8

give me time ok?
I'll promise I will let you know
in an hour

ok but I might have to force you

End of text conversation

I set my phone down on the counter and get some water from the fridge and whatever food i could find near it. I head up to my room then plop down on my couch thinking of what I want to do . I decided to text Kristen and tell her to pick me up at 7:30 she agreed a few minutes later. I put my phone down and decided to take a nap before i had to get ready.

// time lapse//

I wake up and my clock say 6:15. I decided to get ready. I put on a lace top with some short shorts with a pair of jordan's to pair with it. I do a little more make up then what i would usually wear and waited for Kristen. She text me a few minutes later that she was here,my mom wasn't home so i grabbed my bag and left the house.

Kristen- hey bab-oh girl you look HOT

she said from her car window. I laugh at her comment and get into her car. we start to drive off from my house and go to the 'party'.

// time lapse//

I step out of the car and can instantly smell weed. I get more used to the vent as I walk closer to the house. I look at Kristen like 'is this real' with an unimpressed face. When I walked into the lit up house I get greeted by a drunk Scotty

Scotty- hey babe

he says as he comes over and hugs Kristen. I get a whif of him when he walks past. I scrunch my nose at the smell

Scotty- y'all want drinks ?

he says as he is pointing to the bar

My brain was telling me to say no but I said yes of course.

About two minutes later he comes back with our drinks in his hand smiling and looking a little more drunk.

Scotty- here ya go

I take it and chug it instantly I make a face as it burns my throat

Kristen- wow cowgirl chill

She says smiling and putting down my cup

Liza- sorry I just really wanted to loosen up ya know ?

But really I wanted to not be in the state of mind of where I am right now. She nods and goes to socialize while I stand there getting more and more drunk by the minute.

The party is about half way over and I am drunk as fuck . Before I take another sip of whatever was in this cup I see David talking with a girl and a guy but obviously my brain doesn't give a fuck so I walk over there to introduce myself to his friends not thinking anything of it.

David sees me stumbling walking to him and he gets up to meet me in the middle

David- hey Liz-

He smells me and looks worried

David- are you drunk

Liza- pfff. No I'm not... yeah i am

David- Liza I think you should go home I don't want you to get alcohol poison

Liza- Daviddddd i am com- comple-Completely fine

I say walking towards him and stumbled into his arms . I stand there and laugh for a second before i felt like I was floating

Liza- weeee

I say as he lifts me up and puts me into the car

Liza- hey !!! Booooo no fun I'm going back to the partyyyy

I say trying to leave but he locked me in the car

David- Liza you will actually die if you go back in there

I roll my eyes and give him a smirk

David- what?

Liza- ohhhh so little davey baby wants me to himself

I say as I get closer to him with my hand on his leg

David- Liza you are drunk now buckle up I'm taking you home

I just get closer to him with my face and my hand

Liza- davey doesn't like me ?

I make puppy dog eyes and he falls for it

David- I never said that

All I do is  get closer to him

Bye chicas
And Chico's

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