Chapter 23 ✨

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I Leave the bedroom to go to the kitchen and get some breakfast for Liza and me. I can't find anything and I didn't want to cook. After a short while I decided to go back upstairs to tell Liza that we should go out for breakfast.

I see her sleeping, but she wasn't as peaceful as she was before, she was squirming around. I decided to go onto the bed and shake her a bit In case she was having a nightmare

D- Liza...

I say in a whisper and shake her. She squirms around talking under her breath

D- Liza

I say a bit louder shaking her more rough. She yells in a quiet voice saying "get off of me" and "I can't breathe" I shake her roughly and say her name louder. She moves to her backs and sits up fast tears in her eyes, gasping for breath as she looks around with wide eyes.

D- you okay?

I say leaning towards her, she looks at me in fear and disgust. She runs to the bathroom and slams the door shut. I walk up and knock on the door

D- Liza are you okay?

She doesn't answer. I know she didn't lock the door but I didn't wanna barge in on her. I gave her a minute so she can have a breather but she can't stay in there forever. It's been about two minutes or so and I start hearing sobs form the distance.

I just wanna comfort her. I slowly walk up to the door, turn the handle as I push it open making a little bit of a creek. Liza is sitting in the edge of the bathtub with her head in her hands sobbing. I walk up then put my knees on the ground. I make my hand over to her shoulder than about to hug her. The minute I touch her she falls into my arms and we fall onto the bathroom floor. Hugging each other.

D- Liza what's wrong

She tried to talk but it just comes out with her gasping for air

D- just breathe

She does as I say and slowly calms down

L- I-I-I... and y-you

D- how about you just stay in bed I'll get you something to drink and talk when your ready.

She nods as she shaking to get up. She goes to her bed and lays down. I head down stairs to get water and coffee.

What happened? Is all I can think about heading to her room when I see a tried depressed girl on her bed.

L- gotta go outside for a second

D- will you be ok?

L- y-yeah

She walk past me as if I was invisible.

I think to my self the dreams are coming back. Actually the nightmares. Since I was in the 9th grade and I was with my first kinda boyfriend I was so happy and then he broke my heart. I had these dream that someone or something came to ruin me even more then I am.

It felt so real though. I had horrible nightmares that would lead me to waking up in panic attacks. That was when my anxiety was horrible. But the dreams went away and Jackson came then they came back. It stopped when I moved here to California and I have had a while without these dreams but now there back. And tearing me down. Again.

I go down stairs to the patio and grab my pack of camels in the flower pot. Yes that was a true part of my dream. That the only thing that would help when I had these dreams. And weed,alcohol, sex... you get the point.

I sit while puff in the nicotine in my lungs. It soothed me and relaxes me. Kinda like weed but I'm still in the state of mind. The smoke float into the air as I finally feel ok...well...better. I finish and go inside seeing David in the couch. He looks up as I try to sneak away so he can't smell the smoke.

D- hey Liza

He says standing up from the couch

L- hey I'm gonna take a shower

D- can we talk?

He says getting closer

L- stay their and talk

He looks at me and stops

D- why can't we sit out here or go upstairs

L- Okay well let's go

I say going up stairs and putting on a hoodie trying to cover the scent

D- you okay

He says catching up then stopping at the door

L- just cold

D- ok

He sits on my bed and gives me sorry eyes But I stop him before he speaks

L- don't say anything about if your sorry because it was just something that happens to me and you don't need to deal with me and you don't have to be with me anymore, you don't have to deal with my past anymore you can just leave and live the best life you can

I say stopping and he looks at me

D- I was just gonna say are you okay

He says shyly

L- well... you know the answer to that

D- I don't care what happened in your past or whatever as long as I can help you now.

I smile at him and give him a hug. He puts his head on my shoulder than looks at me

D- what's that smell?

He asked me confused

L- I don't know what your talking about

I say backing away

D- you just... I don't know it might be the sweat shirt or outdoor from your shirt

L- yeah

I say and sitting awkwardly

D- I lov- I like you a lot ya know

L- I lov- like you a lot too

I say laughing. We lean in and he kisses me and backs away confused like he was before

D- Liza...were you smoking?


D- don't lie

L- it was one little thing it doesn't matter beside that's old news

D- Liza.

L- what? It's my life like I said you don't gotta deal with me

I cross my arms

D- your right I don't. But I wanna be in your life and you know I do

L- ok

D- so

L- I'll be right back

D- where are you going

L- out

D- Where is that

L- I'm going to the store mom I'll be back

I say shuting the door

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