Chapter 13 ✨

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//LIZA POV//(same day)

L- hi ...David? What are you doing here

D-I needed to talk to you can I come in

L-uhh...I guess is it serious

D-not really but can we talk

L-sure...ALEX can you play a different movie I have to talk to David

D-alex is here ?

L- yeah is that okay?

D-yeah ....yeah

I let David inside and we go up stairs

L-alex I'll be in my room if you need
anything you know where the snacks are

We go in my room and I shut the door then sit on my bed

L-what's up dobrik

He looked nervous

L-is there something wrong

D-I was with Sam all day...


D-and I think we are back together


D-you don't have a problem with that?

L-should I ?

D-I guess not

L- I mean I told you in the beginning I'm not ready for a relationship. Yes it was fun what we were doing but I don't wanna be reason your relationship is ruined. As long as we have the bond we have we'll be fine

L-...As long as we have the bond we have we'll be fine.

I came over to Liza's house to tell her how I wanted to be with her. I don't want sam I wanted Liza koshy to my self. But it turns out I just got picked up and thrown into a volcano called "friend zone"

I kinda feel bad for David because yes I did like him in the beginning and if were to tell him that he would be confused and maybe he didn't feel that way either

D-oh okay

He started to walk out and a caught up to him about half way to his car

L- David?


He says sadly

L-are you sure that's all you wanted to say
Obviously not dip shit


L-okay *kisses him on his cheek* see you tomorrow

D- okay

He smiles and walks away

//LIZA POV//( next day)
Wednesdays are my absolutely favorite day out of the week because it like a second Friday to me. In the morning I don't have to get up till 8 and I get to leave school at 2:20. These are the days that either David and I or Kristen and I would hangout but since David is busy, Kristen and I can have a girls day

//times lapse//
Kristen and I are talking in the cafeteria making our way over to our table, Oh and looky there something to ruin your day David and Sam sucking each other faces off

I thought you said you did like them Liza

I shook my head and tried I ignore it. Kristen and I sat in between Carly and Zane.


he said a little to loud

C- Zane are you drunk?

She says quietly and chuckles

Z-nah,I just hyped for this party

Another god damn party

Z-will I see you all there

Everyone nods except me,alex,and Carly

C-can't I'm going out of town tomorrow
and I have to leave early in the morning

Z-why not you alex

A-you know me I'm not big on your party's


I look up from my phone to see zane and David looking at me


Z-are you coming to my party tonight?

I look over at David and he gave me a weird vibe it was kinda like " don't do it" and "do it I don't care"

L- no I think I'm just gonna stay home and do some school work

Z-booo!! You guys are lame

Zane said joking around

The lunch bell rings for sixth period and alex came up to me in the hall

A-Liza wait up

I turn around and see a little sweaty , out of breath alex


I laugh a little looking at him

A- hey it's not funny I ran all the way here from all the way down the hall
He then pointed from clear down the hall and we have a huge school

A-Anyways since your not going to the party can I come over tonight and we can just hang

L- yeah of course that gives me an excuse to just do nothing

A-cool so I'll be over around 6?

L-yeah sure

He said bye and parted our ways

//times lapse//
Kristen and I are in the car while We're driving in a comfortable silence but I had to break that


K-so what?

L-you and Scott?

K-what about me and-oh

L-did you guys do it

I look at her moving my eyebrows up and down and she smiled

K-no not yet but-

I cut her of softly(if that makes sense)

L-don't do it tonight because you guys well most likely be drunk

K-yeah I was gonna say tonight but I never thought of that

L- mhm I don't wanna see children pop'n up any time soon

we both laugh and continue driving


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