Chapter 31✨

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David POV
I wake up to the sound of rustling sheets next to me. I hear Liza trying to get up but I wrap my arms around her holding her down against the bed.

L- babe I gotta pee move your arm

I open my eyes and sit up with a smile on my face

D- babe?

I questioned


She says as my grip loosened for her to move. I smile as I hear the door shut to the bathroom.

A couple minutes later she comes out of the bathroom and jumps in to the bed and straddles me.

D- hey dude how's your head

I asked as my hands find their way around her waist 

L- it's honestly not that bad.

She looks to the side and smiles

L- what did you do last night?

D- what do you mean

She rubs her fingers over is hickies and smirk at me

L-then who are these from? The vacuum

She giggles

D- I mean if that's what your naming your mouth now then yeah

She gives me a confused look.

D- it's from you dumbass

L- when?

D-last night

L- you just took me for granted

She laughed

D- I mean I tried to stop you.

L- after about 5 mins of is making out probably

D- well I missed those lips

She lean in and kiss me and and I lean in also

L- you got to taste them again

D- I need another

She kissed me on the cheek

D- uh uh on the lips dumbass

I say than grab her and pull her to my lips. We connected ours together and make out. I feel my boner coming on and she smiles a little.

D-shut up

I laugh and reconnect our lips. I hear a knock on the door. She gets off of me and lay in the other side of the bed

Dm- I'm coming in

My mom says as she walks into the room and smiles at both of us.

Dm- hey, if you two want breakfast it will be ready in a minute so you guys can come down stairs and wait.

L-alright Mrs.dobrik

D- alright mom

Liza got up and walk to the door where my mom was and turned around to see me still in bed.

Dm- are you coming


Dm- then get up

Liza giggles and turn towards my mom

Dm- David it's not that hard...oh gross

She leaves and giggles on her way out. She shuts the door and walk back to me straddling me again.

D-yeah David it's not that hard

She say mimicking what my mom said.

D- you wanna take a look.

L- maybe later but I'm fucking hungry so I'll see you down stairs

She says and walk back to the door.

I grab my computer on my night stand and unplug it from the charger. I look up porn videos and try to get rid of this shit.

I couple of minutes later my boner has gone away and I hear a knock on my door.

D- hold on

I say as I try to switch tabs. I hear the door open and see Liza. Her nipples are little poking through the shirt and I start to get hard again.

L- your mom said to come down stairs.

She says walking closer to me

D- ok one second.

I say laying in the same position. She rolls her eyes and walk back over to the door. A few seconds later she comes in and  shuts/locks the door behind her.

L- still?

She asked sitting on the other side of the bed

D-Well I wasn't. Then you came in and I can littering see your nipples poking out through your shirt.

She looks down and crosses her arms over her chess.

L- it's cold, and you're a gross little boy

She chuckles

D- well...

I say and smirk

She leans over to grab my lap top. She opens it and goes through my history. She looks over at me and laugh a little.

D- don't judge.

L- mmmk

She shut the computer and straddled me once again.

L- sooo....

She says leaning closer to my ear.

L- want me to fix it?

She says fanning my ear with her breath. I look over at her and she gives an innocent smile.

D- I mean if you want.

I say leaning into to kiss her. We give a couple of quick pecks then she slowly moves down.

L- ready?


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