Chapter 17 ✨

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//David POV//
I wake up the next morning and thinking back to yesterday. I take a hot shower and put my clothes on and head to Scott's Before school.

I pull up to his house and honk my horn. I see him come out with Kristen hand and hand. For I second I think about how that could be me and Liza but obviously it's not happening any time soon. My thoughts are Interrupt by the car door opening. I get a quick hey and hello from both of them. I honestly just wanted to talk to Scott but I'm not gonna be a fucking dick and tell his girlfriend to leave. I start the car and head my way on to school.

I walk into school filled with gets scrambling to get to the class. I see Gabbie standing there talking to Todd on the side of the hall way. I kinda hoped David wouldn't be here because we kinda haven't been on good terms since yesterday but I'm just trying to forget it. I walk up to Gabbie and Todd to greet them with a quick hello. The warning bell rings and I head to 1st period.


I start walk to the cafeteria and I see Gabbie and Kristen walking towards me looking worried

G- hey girl. What's up with you and David

K- yeah what's up

I realized that they don't know about our "situation"and didn't want to tell them so I lied a little

L- nothing big we just had an agrument

G- well okay... what was it about

L- nothing I'm just over dramatic

K- well if you guys are completely ignoring each other it has to be something

I look down not knowing what to say and I don't want to lash out On them so I changed the subject

L- you guys wanna go out for lunch

They look at each other and nodded their heads. We headed to my car and drove to Chick-fil-A.

We started driving back to school for sixth period and I remember I have David as a lab partner because we work so good on my shadowing day for Kristen.

We walk into school and I go to my class. I walk in and go to the back to where I sit. Thank god I still haven't seen David. Class starts while I'm still satisfied that he hasn't came in yet until I see him. Walking in with his head down sitting next to me.
The teacher begins to talk

T- we are going to be working on a new lab today we our table partners. Packets are on the tables. Raise your hands if you need help with anything

The teacher sits down than works on her computer . I look at David then grab the packet and start reading the directions.

D- Liza?

He place his hand on my thigh but I move my legs to have them in a crossed position

D- Liza...answer me

I look up at him and don't say a word

D- well... hey I'm really sorry about the other day-

He pause for me to say something and I just nod my head

D- are you just ignoring me?

( no shit) I don't say anything and look back at the packet and grab the supplies. I move to the other side of the table.

D- Liza just make it easier on both of us and just say hello

I wave to him. He never said how to say hello. He sighs and takes the packet out of my hands, I look up at him shocked

D- I'm not giving this back until you say something to me

L- fine. Give me the damn packet back you fucker

I whisper yell as I reach for the packets, he puts it up more

D- actually talk to me

L- were those not real words

I say bitchy

D- you know what I mean

L- can we talk later?

I say getting agitated

D- fine

He gives me back the paper and I continue with our lab

After class i head to my car. I have a free period so I usually go home early after attendance. I hear David walking up to me calling my name as I walk faster to my car. He runs up in front of me and stops me. I let out a sigh

D- why are you ignoring me

L- I'm gonna say your harassing me if you keep doing this

I say trying to move

D- answer the question

L- I'm not ignoring you... I just didn't hear you

I lied walking around him

D- your lying because you sped up each time I got closer in the halls

L-I just wanna go home ok?

I stop in front of him and turn around now facing him

D- you said we can talk

L- I said later

D- this is later

I sigh and I walk to my car and motion him to come with. He lets scott take his car back to his house. I drive to a park near by so we can talk. The whole drive there was just an awkward silence. We enter the parking lot, I got to a bench near by the car and see the shadow of David following after me.

L- talk

Bye babes

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