Chapter 19 ✨

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//DAVID POV // ( Monday)
I wake up with a smile on my face thinking about that me and Liza are back on. kinda. I get up to go get dressed. I see Toby running up to me a gives me a hug.

D- hey buddy

T- hey David

He says letting go

D-what was the hug for?

T- I don't know I just wanted to

He says walking away smiling

I couldn't ask for anything better right now. Besides Liza. I tell my mom goodbye as I head to get Liza. My Liza. finally.

I pull into Liza's drive way and get out if the car to knock on her front door. I see her mom with a smile on her face. As the door creeks open

( her mom is back for a week or so)

Lm- hey David what are you doing here

D- I'm here to get Liza

I say with a smile on my face but kinda confused

Lm- oh... Liza got a ride with Kristen this morning she didn't tell you?

D- oh... she must of texted me and I didn't read it

I say as I'm leaving the door

Lm- bye David hope you have a nice day

She smiles as she shuts the door. I get into my car and drive to school. Why didn't she tell me that she was going with Kristen. I guess it's not a big deal I'm mean we aren't "dating" but it would be nice to know so I wouldn't take an extra stop. Now I know how she feels

I arrive at school, the first thing I see is Liza and alex laughing about something that must have been hysterical funny. I know Liza is allowed to have friends and I not gonna make her stop talking to one of my best friends but yeah I'm gonna be a little jealous.

Liza would never go for him. As I know of. I walk over to Liza and put my arm around her. She looks at me and give a confused face while she then gives a smile, puts my arm down and hugs me.

L- hey David

She says and backs away standing next to alex facing towards me he puts his arm around her. He has the nerve to. I slowly clench my jaw and fist

A- hey dude

He says with a smile

D- hey

I say clenching my jaw a little bit more now noticeable. Liza sees the anger in my eyes and pulled away from alex.

L- I'll see you later alex I gotta Get to class

She smiles and hugs him, she takes my hand walking fast and annoyed as she leads me to a corner at the end of the hallway by our first class

L- You need to chill the fuck out dude

She look at me with a glare

D- I don't know what your talking about I just woke up on the wrong side this morning

I say crossing my arms as I lie straight through my teeth. She looks at me for second and then leans on the wall. With her mouth opened

L- oh my god... Is David Julian dobrik jealous?

She knew I was. I look down feeling embarrassed. I look back at her

D- no I'm not you can date who ever the fuck you want and I won't care and don't call me fucking Julian

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