Chapter 1 - Themis - Long Way From Home

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An alarm echoed through the apartment, pared with the sounds of apprehensive footsteps and insistent mumbling to create an orchestra of anxiety. Themis pulled back the curtain and unlatched the window to let in the early light of the mother star, or as some call it the sun. Morning light danced across the city, making it shimmer with dazzling light. Themis lent on the windowsill, massaging her temples with her fingers. She took a deep sigh as she stared out at her home, the Capital of planet six, Autrerum, the city of light, and the gigantic golden walls that earnt the city its reputation of being the safest city known to Children. A race of beings that have existed for many centuries that inhabit a universe of their own. Children are born into on of the six clans; Star Clan, Water Clan, Fire Clan, Earth Clan, Air Clan, and the illusive Albino Clan.

Themis wiped her forehead, despite the cool wind gushing through her window, causing the curtain to flick around her legs energetically, sweat dripped from her chin. Nausea ate away at her insides as she collected her things and stuffed then into her bag. She double tapped a small chip stuck to the inside of her wrist to project an image of her dear cousin, Athena.

"Hey Thei! I know your busy today on your secret mission!" She said leaning into the screen and making a silly face.

"I just wanted to say good luck! And try not to be such a stress case." She laughed. "Love you!"

The hologram sunk back into its chip, and with Athena's luminescent smile.

Themis picked up her bag, sinking a bit after underestimating it's weight. Stumbling over her own feet on the way out of the door. She tapped her wrist on a panel on the door.

"76773: Themis Alvetira has left the estate."

The panel called after her as she rushed down the hall.

Her feet thudded rhythmically as the small golden beads in her hair swung around, making small clinking noises. It was a long-lasting Star Clan tradition to have such items in your hair, although Themis couldn't quite remember what it represented. She dashed through the streets, dodging the many people the filled the city, all in just as much of a hurry to get to their jobs as she was hers. Giant buildings that reached for the bright blue sky towered over the people down below, mere ants in comparison. She squeezed between people, making the final stretch towards her destination.

Themis stopped at the side of the clean street, doubled over and gasping for breath until the intergalactic transport, or space bus, adjusted itself into place, sending clouds of smoke into the crowded street. This bus looked as if the last safety policy it has passed was fifty decaquads ago. Th door made a horrendous screeching noise as it dragged across the door frame, making Themis clamp her hands over her ears. Themis made her way onto the bus with only a few other Children, sinking into the elderly seats. Despite her tall posture and calm expression, her mind raced with thoughts.

What if this bus crashes? It wouldn't would it? Surely it passed a safety test within the last few years.

Themis gripped the side of the chairs as the bus jolted violently, nearly sending her out of her seat.

She thought back to her task to try and calm herself.

"You are to travel to Planet nine. There you will locate and if possible, retrieve an Albino. This is an extremely dangerous assignment with a high probability of decease. Report any information you receive about the Albino's and send it to us as soon as you receive it in case of your untimely demise."

The Military Chief's words rung in her head, even thinking about the conversation was making her feel sick. But. If she could complete this mission it would be her big break. A chance to show her skill.

Themis stared out the dirt stained window of the bus as it gained altitude, watching her home decrease from view until it was only a glowing speck. Themis spent the next three hours watching planets pass, the bus's population becoming smaller with every stop. After the bus passed planet eight only Themis remained.

"Hey." The bus driver beckoned her from the front of the bus, waving his hand.

Themis lifted herself from the seat and made her way to the front, where she sat behind the driver.

The diver was a middle-aged man with straight brown hair and mischievous smile.

"Whacha doing on planet nine?" The driver asked curiously, "I rarely take anyone this far. And when I do, they don't come back."

Themis shrugged her shoulders, not quite sure what to say.

"Visiting family." She explained cautiously as she watched planet nine approach.

"You related to some No-Clanners?" The bus driver mused, "Now that's a different one."

Themis would have answered if she weren't so captivated by the approaching planet nine.

The driver snorted. "Yep, you've totally been here before." He said sarcastically as he chuckled. The glowing silver ball slowly became bigger as the bus neared the planet. It slugged through the celestial smoke that caked the outer rim of planet nine and broke into the atmosphere, the only stopping point for the bus was a patch of land slightly higher than the rest. On it rested a small village, home to less than fifty people. The No-Clanners. A small group with the belief that the best way to live was to abandon clan titles. Themis turned her nose up at the idea of abandoning her clan. A stupid idea to say the least. How could anyone live without a community to rely on, or at least a law system.

The rest of the planet was smothered miles and miles of forest. Tall dark trees that rippled in the wind and blocked out all chance of sunlight. The bus spluttered as it came to a halt, sending plumes of smoke into the crisp night air. The driver turned to her with a look of amusement plastered to his face. "You sure you still wanna get out?" Themis swallowed her remark as she looked to the drivers name tag.

"Thank you, mister P. Bert. Lee."

The driver dipped his head, "My pleasure."

Themisstepped out into blistering cold. Her teeth chattered and her fingers becamenumb. The forest on planet nine covered most of the planet, and the peopleThemis' mission required her to find and obtain were located somewhere in theendless forest that consumed planet nine.

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